Chapter twenty-seven

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" Dinner!" A Cacturne exclaimed as she shoved some mushy looking thing in Tisa's caged area. Slop, again. Tisa hate it with every fiber of her being. If she was locked up in the Starter Squad jail she would have been given better treatment and better food.

Here all they do is mock her for being fat and give her something she was positive was just the human food: beets, within a slop form.

Tisa creepily watched the Cacturne leave. She sighed deeply, pushing the slop away. Despite how hungry she was she was too in thought of the plan to eat the food.

Plus, she had to make it look like she was giving up on getting out of this place. She curled by the wall, thinking the plan over and over.

First she would have to find a way out of this fire proof cage. That would be tough. She supposed she would have to catch one of the members off guard when it came to open her door or when they would be least expecting it.

She didn't know how she was going to get out, but she had to find a way somehow.

She sighed. She wished this never happened. She really thought that cave was safe, but it wasn't. Not as safe seeing where you're going. It felt like one moment she could see, the next everything was invisible.

Tisa slammed a paw down on the ground in anger.

Her paw curled like it was a fist. She stared at the wall like it was the most interesting thing in the room.

Now all she had to do was wait. It has been several days...actually a week since they've been locked up in this joint.

Did Tisa ever mention how she was going insane being stuck in a crappy place like the actual jail? Well she was going insane. What does it take to get treated like I'm a good guy and not the bad guy around here?

Apparently no one wanted to treat her like the good guy. No matter if she stayed cute an innocent or whether she burned an entire village down, not heeding to their cries and pleads for her to stop the assault.

Tisa rapped her paw down on the ground, getting bored. They never gave the villains things to do other than sit and rot in jail. They don't even have the technology that the Starter Squad has. At least they make them work. These stupid cops make us rot in this dumb jail cell. Not for long!

Tisa chuckled lowly and darkly. They will pay for keeping me in here, they all will!

At this point all four of her paws were curled. Her tail was curled as well. Her head swiveled to her tail, a bright idea on her mind.

That's it! If only I could test out my theory, but on who? It's got to be someone who touches it.

As she ponders the escape plan some more, a Victreebel whistled as they continently jiggle keys in their Leaf. The Victreebel was whistling about opening the cage of a Tentacruel nearby.

That was when Tisa made her move. She darted over to the Victreebel. The grass type screech as he realized she was close by. " Don't charge the cage!" He hissed at her.

She spun around and the Victreebel sighed. " Damn reckless outlaws. They don't know the cage is slam proof." He mumbled as Tisa fit her tail through the holes in the cage. Her tail curled around the Victreebel's vines.

He screamed as she tightened her grip. " No! No!" He wailed as he started to choke on nothing. It didn't matter to Tisa if he died. All she needed was his keys.

She heard from an inmate nearby that one of the keys can unlock every single cell. It was supposedly because the police were too lazy to get individual locks and keys for each and every cell.

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