Chapter thirteen

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Tisa grumbled boredly in some cave. " Ugh, When is Tisa going to come back with that stuff you sent her to get?" Tisa growled. " I already told you that it would be soon." Tudi growled.

" Well I can't stand sitting here any longer." Tisa growled. Tudi clenched his fists together. " The truth is you can't stand, so just deal with it. You're so annoying." Tudi growled.

Tisa just showed her teeth and snarled. " pathetic." Tudi grumbled. Tisa just pressed a paw against an ear. She heard a sound outside as it pitter patterned down. She took her paw from her ear.

" Is that rain?" She asked. She sniffs the air. Yep. Smells like rain. " I suppose so." Tudi grunted. " How long has Witness been gone for again?" She asked. " For the hundredth time I don't know. I don't have a watch. Or anything the damn humans have!" Tudi growled.

" Well. I'm just wondering. I also have something really important to ask you." She Seriously said. Her face was full of emotions. Tudi turned to her with annoyed look already on his face. I haven't even said anything.

" What?" He questioned her, arms folded. " What happens once I get this cast? Or whatever." Tisa grunted. " You will still be on the team, don't worry, idiot. I'm not stupid enough to keep you off the team." Tudi commented as he rolled his eyes.

" But there will be a problem. You're basically lame and so you're useless right now. You can't fight. I need to talk to you about Witness. She needs to evolve once more and we might be able to solve that problem and make this team possibly even better." Tudi told her.

A loud panting sound from the outside could be heard as the Togetic finally flew in with a bag. " I was chased by the Starter squad!" She explained. " What exactly did you do?" Tisa asked her. " Well, I shoplifted from multiple stores." She commented, placing the bag on the ground.

" What is in that?" Tudi asked her. She started to sort them. " Well I found the bandages you asked for." She said, tossing them to the villain. " But I found some really shiny things and some good looking food that I couldn't help myself from taking them. It has been forever since I've eat, I could eat Bucky even!" She declared.

" Well, What did you take?" Tudi asked, not impressed. She grabbed the bag and shook it upside down. The contents fell out.

A yellow and white stone fell out. " What is that?" Tudi asked. " I think it's a gem. I don't know. It looks like a rock." Witness commented as she continued to shake the bag upside down. Those two dunderheads really don't know what that stone is.

Tisa has an amused glance in her eyes. " You don't know what that stone is?" She asked the two of them. " Nope! It just looks like something shiny to me." Witness said. " Did you happen to pick it up?" Tisa asked her.

" Duh." Witness said. She hadn't evolved though. Maybe it only works if you have your heart set on evolving, but I didn't have my heart set on it when i backed up into it. Tisa thought.

Maybe it was a glitch. " Witness, Tudi, that's a Shiny Stone." She told them. " Of course it's shiny! And it's a stone! How dumb do you think I am, Tisa?!" Tudi growled.

" You're dumb enough to not realize that that stone is the key to some evolutions." She growled. " What do you know about that stone?" He growled. " More than you." She commented. " Witness, that stone can make you evolve." She told her.

Witness looked at it. " But I touched it and didn't evolve." She said. " I know, but maybe it glitched...I don't know that's a true mystery. Touch it, Witness. Try to see if you can evolve. I wont be able to help Tudi in his mission with this broken paw, so it will be up to you to help him." Tisa growled.

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