Chapter fourty-two

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They were surrounded.

Of course it didn't help the fact that Sklirós had fainted and they were on their own.

And they would need to find a way of carrying him without straining.

"We've got you surrounded." Churro states as the starters start to tighten up their circle around them.

Was this it for them, or was there a way to get past this? Whatever it was it probably was possible for the two of them to escape. They just needed a fool proof plan. A plan even Witness could pull off if she was here.

"Yeah? So?" Tudi asked as he folded his arms.

"It's finally time to turn yourselves in. There's no point in resisting. We've got a ton of forces here." Paarthurnax states as he indicated to his troops.

Most of them were ready to fight by now.

Tisa's nose flared with smoke as she breathed out.

Her haunches lifted up towards the sky as her front legs and face lowered towards the ground.

The troops tightened up even more.

Tisa let out a gigantic Flameflower attack on the troops, somehow spreading the attack while moving her paws.

Some of the starter screeched, it being super effective on them because they were grass-types.

Some of them brushed off the burns as if they were nothing.

The fire types either absorbed it or barely even flinched.

"Tudi! We can push them back. We just have to try!" She barked.

Tudi nodded with overconfidence as he flexed his claws.

One claw glowed silver as he slashed at several of the starters. They all jumped back in order to avoid being maimed.

"Come on! We can't make any mistakes! We must catch these villains before they cause anymore damage!" Paarthurnax roared as he used Flameflower at Tudi.

Tisa jumped in front of the attack.

Her eyes glowed with mischief. A smug smirk on her face as she absorbed the attack, her fire powers were increasing.

It's finally time to kill once more! These guys will never accept us for being different! They accept shinies for being different, but not us!

Well, I'll show them! We'll show them! We must show them all!

Tisa let out a Fire Spin attack. While it might not have been her best attack, it was powered up by her Fire Absorb powers.

Several of the starters screeched even louder, only to weaken as they fell to the ground.

They were burnt to a crisp.

She continued the Fire Spin, making the fainted Pokémon scream even more before their bodies fell limp.

At least five Pokémon laid there limp.

Good. Less starters to chase us!

"No!" Paarthurnax roared, roaring out their names, but of course Tisa didn't hear him because of the screaming Pokémon.

Lots of screaming.

To top that off Bucky thought it would be a good idea to help them.

He managed to slash open someone's chest, their Crocanaw contents pouring out as the Crocanaw let out a last screeching breath; the Crocanaw went on his knees, eyes rolling back to the back of his head before his head hit the ground.

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