Chapter twenty-four

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The cave was damp. Tisa poked her head inside it. A drop of water fell on her head. She growled as she shook her head, ridding herself of the awful wetness.

Her fur stuck to her pelt as she padded into the cave, cold dirt freezing up her limbs. She sneezed as they progressed into the cave. " So this is where we can live?" Polaire wonders as water dropped on his left ear. It twitched from the contact.

Tisa nodded. " This is so obvious it might work. Good job, fox." Growled Xenon. The black bear poked his head into the cave. He bent his head and maneuvered his body so he could walk in the cave.

The blood on his breath stank as he walked nearby. Drops of water fell on Tisa as she lead them through the cave. How far in this cave will be far enough for these murderous bears?

Her pawsteps echoed within the cave. Her feet was drenched by the water in the cave. " This cave is too short. I keep banging my head on all the stupid rocks!" Polaire snarled as he went on all fours to walk.

" Those rocks are called stalactites you idiot." Xenon growled as he too went on all fours. Tisa's ears twitched. Did she hear something or was it just her imagination?

Her nose wiggled as it tried to sniff out the scents. The scent of water overfilled Tisa's scent glands. It would be tough to see in a place such as this, but Tis was sure that they could find their way without Flash.

A river seemed to be flowing, engulfing the middle of the cave. It wasn't huge, but it wasn't so small that a Pokémon could just waddle through it. It was so dark that you couldn't tell what color the river was.

The sound of the river was rough, though. It rippled harshly as though the rocks it was pounding against were indestructible and made of steel as well.

" It's cold in here." Tudi whined. " Get used to it. Caves are cold because of the water..." Xenon began before Tudi groaned. " I can't wait to get rid of you." He remarked. Xenon growled. " At this rate we're gonna need to dig a hole for the idiot."

" Ugh, you two are making this trip longer than it needs to be." Polaire growled as his claws skimmed the cave walls. He was bent over so he wouldn't smash his head against the roof of the cave.

Maybe this isn't a good place for them to wait out the police after all. Her eyes scanned the room. The smells and the sights were darker, more invisible. All she could smell was the dirty rocks of the damp cave.

Her back shivered. For a moment it felt like there was an- her thoughts were broke off by the slam of a paw. It was a blurry of paws. " I figured you guys would be here." A Pokémon chuckled.

" Wh-Who are you?" Tisa wondered sniffing the air. She couldn't get a good whiff of what the creature or Pokémon was.

The Pokémon was silent as they shifted their fist into Tisa's stomach. Her stomach churned with pain; the force of the Pokémon's fist felt like it was enough to break her ribs.

She flinched as she gritted her teeth. " We need to leave now!" She howled, but it was too late: it seems there was more than just one Pokémon there.

I've failed, she thought in despair. She wouldn't let her emotions show how angry and sad she felt that she had failed- again.

" Tudi, Xenon, and the rest of you, you are under arrest for mass murders, thefts, and so much more. You have the right to remain silent." A gruff pokemon informed them. They sounded super serious. It was as if they had no other purpose in life other than to grab at these villains and tell them this without sounding as if they were having fun with this.

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