Chapter fourty-six

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Why was she everywhere now?

She seemed more like a bitch pokemon than someone who would bring in outlaws.

This again.

Tisa hated this.

This was just a pointless battle when they could be finding the supplies they needed. Instead they're wasting their time attempting to stop a mad Pokémon from killing them.

The Braixen's body started glowing, surrounding itself with red-orange-yellow fire.

The dark gray fox was preparing a Flame Charge.

Her eyes glowed brightly with a fire within them.

Tisa growled.

We definitely don't have time for this bitch! She thought, feeling her insides bubbling with anger.

She could feel the beginning of an attack start to form.

The Braixen wasted no time. She obviously wanted to have the glory of defeating three of the world's greatest villains.

She ran with a force so extreme, it could have made a hero confuse her with a zero.

Since she was faster she managed to land a hit, colliding with Tudi.

Unfortunately she doesn't seem to be that smart at type advantages versus type disadvantages.

After the attack, the vixen instantly jumped backwards to avoid Tudi, who slashed at the air where the female used to be.

"Is that all you got, losers?" She asked with a snort.

"No, but we don't have time for weak opponents like you. We're gonna...hey, wait! We're not telling you anything!" Tudi said.

"Hmm...well I at least know you're up to something." She said with a cocky grin.

She then shrugged.

"That's all the reason I need to stop you dweebs from doing anything!" She growled, opening her jaws slightly to let out fire slightly.

The fire didn't go anywhere, and the fire type looked down at it in question.

"Hmm," she began, opening her mouth farther.

The female took in a deep breath, trying to breath out some fire.

Nothing happened.

An even smaller fire showed up.

Tudi smirked.

What is going on? Can Pokémon run out of fire attacks? I thought that was only a legend. Or perhaps she ran out of attacks. Was she fighting someone earlier? Tisa wondered as the fire type screeched loudly.

"Ugh! I can't even attack you! Ugh. Stupid Popplio. Can't believe he made me unable to catch such ugly things like them. Not even worth the time anymore." The shiny grumbled, which was a surprising change from her loud screeching.

She was such a weird Pokémon.

"Then get out of our way, little rich bitch!" Rau snarled, using Water Shriken on the unsuspecting fire type.

She was instantly knocked out.

Of course, she also wasn't dead, but she was out of their way.

Tisa sighed.

I thought this bitch wouldn't go down without a fight, but I guess it was sorta without a fight. Thank you whoever this Popplio is.

She then face pawed.

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