Chapter fourty-five

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The three began on their way to start their plunder of other's supplies.

If things went well, then Skliros would be happy and they would be well on their way to destroying Arceus.

Tisa tipped her head to the side.

If this is all good and dandy, then why do I feel like this isn't a choice we have to make? That this choice if we make it is like being chased by a more villainous villain. Tisa wondered as she pressed a paw into a muddy paw print.

The paw prints that were made weren't made by her, but they were shaped sort of like hers: canine paws.

Tisa froze, feeling Tudi bump slightly into her as she did.

Someone was here. But...who could it be?

Tisa lowered her head, ignoring the complaints of her partners in crime.

She pressed her nose a half whiskers away from the ground, breathing in the scent of a Braixen.

She lifted her head, jerking it in shock.

The starter squad?! She panicked in her head, all smart thoughts turning south at the smell.

We must hurry! She thought as she turned her head towards Rau and Tudi.

"Sorry, guys." She apologized, pointing her paw down at the tracks to express why she was stopping.

"Oh. Is someone on to us?" Rau asked boredly, picking her teeth with a black frog paw.

"Someone's on to us? Tisa what did you do?!" Tudi growled.

Tisa stood up, half frozen in her spot. Her eyes widened.

Seriously? You think I did this? How?

Tisa shook the thought and barked, "Nothing. These paw prints were here before any of us. We should just move on. There's no point in staring at every paw print that's in the ground, thinking that something bad will happen. Maybe the squad just walked on by. Let's go." Tisa commented as maturely as possible.

Tudi's gaze said otherwise.

But, neither of the two other villains said anything as they continued on their way to Poketown once more to get the supplies needed.

Skliros had left them a list filled with the things they needed. Or so Skliros told them. So far they didn't know what was needed. Besides food and water of course.

Tudi had been left in charge with the list.

It might have been something to do with Tisa and Rau's typings. Tisa was a fire type so Skliros obviously thought she might burn the paper, and Rau was a water type.

If Rau got mad she could destroy the paper with water.

It might have been also something to do with trust, which Tisa was fine with. Tudi was far more trustworthy than any other villain she had met.

Even Witness and...

She shook her head.

There was no point crying over spilled milk now.

Everything had been said and done. Now what they needed was the supplies and the allies.

The rest of the way all that was keeping the quiet from reaching was the putter pattern of their paw steps.

Forest after forest.

Tree after tree.

Scared and frightened weak Pokémon after scared and frightened weak Pokémon.

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