Chapter thirty-seven

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The Starter Squad!

What a vile set of heroes!

They think they're so good at what they're doing!

Well, we will show them who's boss! Tisa thought as her muzzle curled into a snarl.

What a situation they were in now!

Tisa lashes her nine tails. " The Starter Squad." Tudi growled, flexing his claws in want.

Now that they couldn't destroy the squad until Arceus was, well destroyed, Tudi was having a tough time getting used to the new accommodations.

Tisa would have thought he got used to all this by now. She was most certainly wrong in the matter.

The gathering group of starters approached them. " You are under arrest! Put down those goods! You scum don't deserve the right to have them without paying for them first." Growled a shiny Braixen, waving a weird stick in the air like she was a wizard.

With that weird stick she probably was, though it looked as normal as any other wooden stick.

The gray fox instantly stuck out her fuzzy arm, the stick in it.

The stick somehow divulges blazing hot red-orange fire from it's core, strikingly brilliant as it scorched the black ninja they called Rau.

She only seemed to flinch a bit, not showing much sign that she got hit by the suddenness of the swift attack.

Whoever this fox was...she shook out like a Pokémon with Pokerus. Obviously they looked very sick when a Pokémon even got saw them.

The Braixen let out a weirdly insane battle cry, using her stick like a baseball bat. She hit Tudi over the head with the stick.

Tudi yelped, smacking her over the head. His strength was like no other, sending her flying against a tree.

Unfortunately, the shiny couldn't take a hint that her other starter pals weren't moving from their spot.

In fact, they seemed to be yelling at her to get back there, so they could arrest them.

" Shut up, losers! I'm the only one trying to do our job! Ugh! Stupid outlaws! Why must you be so annoying!" The female hissed as she almost blinded Tisa, scratching her eyes with the stick.

Why is she so vicious? I've never seen a Pokémon with such...murderous look in their eyes. Especially not someone from the Starter Squad. I've seen a few weird looking Pokémon, but never a Pokémon who seemed....evil like us. Is this how Rau looked before she became a villain? Tisa thought as she swiftly brought her paws up to her eyes to rub them.

Painful spurts.

Tisa knew she was lucky. The scratch didn't seem that deep, though it took her by surprise by such a scary move brought upon her by a shiny starter of all Pokémon.

Then again she had thought of them as such before, just overconfident jerks.

The shiny bounced back, baring her fangs in a challenge.

" You bitches gonna come with us, or do we have to fight you?!" She demanded as red seemed to overtake her vision.

Was something going on that she didn't know about?

It wasn't any of her business. She didn't need to know whatever this overrated piece of crap was thinking about anyways.

All she needed to do was destroy the little shit for trying to gouge her eyes out.

What kind of Pokémon gouges someone's body part out?

No one of the Starter Squad, that's for sure!

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