Chapter three

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What the- how dumb can this Pokémon get? She asked herself in her head as she dodged the Sandslash barely. He seemed tired and pissed off at the same time. Two for one! She thought grinning.

" Woah! Bitch! Watch where you're pointing those claws, Skippy!" She addresses him, growling a bit. Truly though, she was in awe of this outlaw's strength. She forced her body to move to battle him. Lets see how much you've got, Skippy! She thought.

" Well, you're the fucked up slut who went in my face!" Tudi barks back at her. Wow he even acts like me! Wow! Is all's he thought, while keeping the scowl on her beautiful face.

Tudi swung to kill her. Shit shit! She thought, as anger coursed though her body. He was trying to kill me. She thought. Then a voice went into her mind, no duh! It was as if a Froakie was trying to talk to her. She thought it was a Froakie at least. It seemed to croak perhaps in more than one way.

This is just one of the many voices in her fucked up head. " How dare you! You were in my way!" She lied. " You could've just let me be!" He hisses, as he used Earthquake. It was really cool. It sent Tisa off guard and she went flying into a tree. Dang it, tree! She thought.

She growled as she got up. To her, this earthquake hurt, but she showed her stuff as she acted as if it didn't hurt at all. " You bastard!" She screamed, mostly talking to the tree, but it could have easily been intercepted as to Tudi more.

She sinks her claws into his leg, trying to prove how worthy she is to get his help. He screams as he kicks her, probably hating her even worse now. She didn't care. She wanted to get this anger and this wanting out of her system and this was the perfect way of doing it.

Tudi curls up. Oh shit. Rollout. She thought as she screechs. She runs. Crap. Crap. He's super powerful. Crap. Ooh, a flower! She thought. He hits her dead on. This one was a continuation of that last scream.

Blood welled up in multiple spots. She pants. A scratch was at Tisa's eyes. She limps as she begins a fire attack. It was scorching hot. Tudi dodges by digging underground. Well fuck you too, mate. She thought.

Oh shit! Where'd he go? She asked as she searched the area, looking for the digging Attack to show. It showed up, but she was too slow. She was plump, but that wasn't entirely her fault. Dang humans. Trying to feed me so I can be slower than I need to be. She kept on cursing her family for her appetite.

She went flying. Really high. She ended up in a tree. Oh shit. He can probably see my tails. Go on, grab one and become cursed. I do dare you. She thought as she struggled between the branches. The dumbass of a Sandslash laughed. It seems she knows how to make the cruelest of villains laugh. Well it is true what some crazy dudes say, pain is hilarious.

" Looking good up there." Tudi teases with a laugh. Oh this is so not funny, Mr. evilman. She thought. She then opened her maw to deliver a worded speech. Not really. It's really what any sensible Pokémon would do in a crisis like this.

" Help me get down!" She screamed, anger fueling her emotions to cover up the sound of her own voice. " What was that? You were spitting fire I couldn't hear you." He joked.

" Did you say leave you? Okay." Tudi said, laughing really hard. Sure sure. That's a hoot alright. She thought rolling her eyes at his stupidity. " No!" She called, afraid that if he left she could never be taught how to be a proper villain. Especially with your butt hanging in midair. It might be surrounded by tails, but it's still up in the air like it doesn't care.

" I order you to help me, you bitch! You super fucked up pokemon!" She yelled at him, moving with every word. She really didn't like this tree. Or any tree for that matter. " I don't help sluts like you, sweetheart." Tudi teased. Oh can it, you schwoz. She thought.

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