Chapter thirty-three

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I'm not so sure about this, Tisa thought as the trio: Tudi, Tisa, and Skliros all walked over to the swampy area.

" So, is this where that Pokémon is supposed to be?" Tudi asked Skliros as he lifted a paw, the swamp tugging on his legs to keep them in there like they were stuck.

The swamp left some muck on his feet.

Skliros nodded as he tipped the hat on his head to Tudi.

" Yes. We should be able to find that shiny Greninja somewhere around here. She's a personal friend of mine. Come on, don't be shy. No seriously, I wouldn't. She hates shy people. She also used to be a part of the Starter Squad Until she realized her true potential thanks to me." Skliros informed them.

It kind of sounded like he was bragging about that. Now that I think about it...did he set her up to end up being evil? Did he...trick her?

A shiver ran down Tisa's spine as she thought it through.

Well, he does seem a bit more shady than I've been thinking, but maybe it's just a coincidence that he managed to convince her to act this way. Whoever she is, she sounds awful. I wish I could be that awful, Tisa thought with  slight lash of her tail.

Her paws pressed into the indications that Tudi had been making.

She felt like a kid comparing her paws to the length of Tudi's feet.

She looked down at the difference between the two Pokémon's footprints.

Uncertainty was in her eyes as Tudi growled lowly. " I hate this swamp. It's full of water." He groaned as the water was up to his waist.

Tisa knew that going through the water was also going to be hard for her too. She hated the water just as much as Tudi did.

Tudi slowly pushed his legs through the bog, being slower due to the reeds pulling on his legs a bit, and sticking closely to them.

Tisa gulped. She didn't know whether or not there was some Pokémon in there that could really hurt them or what.

She padded closer and closer to the swampy body of water.

She paused slightly as she gazed at the murky body of water. She gazed into the water, searching for signs of life.

Is that Greninja in here? This is such a secluded place within the outlandish area of the region. I can't believe we've been kicked back all this way! The Starter Squad doesn't know what they're doing! At least the realize how dangerous we truly are.

" What are you waiting for?!" Skliros called out to her.

She jumped into the air. She glared at Skliros. " Nothing. I was just trying to see if there was someone down there." She barked backed as she put a paw down into the bog.

She shivered as she lifted the paw back out, yelping with disgust of the green-blue messy body of water.

She flicked her paw swiftly, ridding the paw of the slippery substance with a look of pure hatred on her face.

Skliros seemed to find that funny, and chuckled lowly muttering something under his breath. Probably something about how I'm a scardey-chu, but that's not true. It's not true at all! I can swim. I'm not scared of the...gloomy, yet drippy water.

Tisa backed away from the body of water, frightened. How could she not be afraid of the water? It was her weakness. It has been super effective against her since she was a pup.

A pup born of a filthy brown Ninetales who left her for dead on the streets. She had been captured there, and put in captivity by the humans.

She shook her head.

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