Chapter thirty-six

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The Kecleon shivered in fear. The smell of it excited Tisa.

Yes, now this is more like it! Pokemon will fear our names.

She strutted around with her partners, the street begging for them to keep their paws on them.

She smirked as she slowly walked towards the Kecleon, watching as he shivered, hiding behind the counter as he awaited whatever torture the villains had for him.

Is torturing this soul on the menu too? I wouldn't mind taking a bite out of that hunk of meat! He looks tasty! Tisa thought as she swiped her tongue over her muzzle, deep desire for food in her mind. Obviously.

" W-What do you want? W-would you villains happen to want to shop?" The Kecleon asked hopefully. His hope was about to be shattered, unfortunately.

Tisa couldn't believe he would even consider those words in his mind.

She swiped her tongue over her jaws in hunger. Another paw step closer to the meat sack.

" You know what we want, camouflage. I suggest you give us what we want before my friend here decides that you would look better as bacon." Skliros commented as he tipped the hat on his head towards the unsuspecting Kecleon.

Of course no one would expect an outlaw to just tip their hat at them. In fact, there was no outlaw like Skliros who would just have a hat like that with them.

The Kecleon shivered.

The Kecleon seemed to have some thought before his fear turned into pure bravery.

" The Starter Squad will capture you, just you wait! You're lucky I don't like fights, or else I would beat you to a pulp. I am way higher leveled than you. Don't expect all Kecleon to let this go unpunished. I swear that soon you will get the beating you deserve. Just you wait and see." The Kecleon informed them with valor.

Skliros laughed. " The Squad isn't near the level of my team. You should really watch your mouth."

It was as if none of them had a voice. Were they really just going to let Skliros do all the talking? It did ensure that they save their breath for the heist, but it also showed signs of weakness.

What are we thinking? Are we really so submissive to a dark-type of all Pokémon? They might be treated better than Hypno, but that doesn't mean we should obey this guy's every command. Does he have no mute button?

Tisa glances between the two other powerful Pokémon. Rau just blinked back at her, and Tudi still had that same stupid look in his eyes.

What did he see in that Darkrai that Tisa didn't?

Why couldn't he look at her in that way instead?

Skliros approaches the overpowered Pokémon. " Now. I believe I came here for groceries. Are you going to give them to us? Or do I need to make you suffer? It's the easy way or the tough way. Which will it be?" He wondered as he leaned over towards the striped chameleon.

The Kecleon leaned away, looking as if he could fall over at any minute.

He was sweating something fierce. It was obvious the Kecleon was more fear than he was bravery.

It was a good thing. It meant the tram got under his skin more than he let off.

Unfortunately it seemed as if the Pokémon was wasting their time. He was stalling.

" I don't know. Get your smelly breath away from my shop!" He growled as he waved a paw in front of his stores.

" Answer me you buffoon! I will not hesitate!" The Darkrai shouted as his eyes turned red somehow.

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