Chapter twenty-one

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The two approached the door once more, determination glittered both their expression. Tisa opened her mouth and let out an attack: Fire Spin.

The door was burnt to a crisp. The door's black charcoal started to crumble away from the attached wall it was attached to. Tisa puffed out her chest in pride.

A stomping noise could be heard. A gasp came out of the throat of a Charizard. Instantly, the Charizard spreader out her wings in defense. Tudi attempted to go under the earth. His claws banged on the hard floor. Must be cement. Serves him right for having a constant attack of using the ground.

Tisa instantly used Fire Blast on the Charizard. Though not as effective because of the typing, it was boosted because it was Tisa's type move. The Charizard instantly screeched. A cry could be sounded from one of the room.

Tudi grinned. " Who's that?" He teased, as if he had no clue who this mysterious Pokémon was. " Don't touch him, you brutes!" The Charizard growled, smoke coming out of her snout.

The Charizard swiftly flew in front of the duo, wings spread. " You shall not hurt my sweet baby boy!" She growled, flames coming out of her mouth in a Flameflower Attack.

Tisa smirked as she jumped in front of the attack letting the flames flow around her, and absorbed the blow. She grinned with delight as she felt her powers strengthen.

" I wouldn't do that if I were you, punk." Tisa growled as she reared back her head, and charged at the Charizard at the same time Tudi used Poison Sting. The female roared with pain. Tisa grinned as she sent out another Fire Blast, this time letting her fury burn.

The attack wouldn't stop sending fire, not that Tisa cared: she had a job to do. The Charizard roared with pain; she was reaching out for something: the phone nearby.

Tudi attempted to stop her attempt, but she sent him flying with a Wing Attack. He cried out from the pain, and struggled to get from the ground. He grunted with effort. He growled loudly and groaned, " I'm stuck. Help me up!" He grunted as his feet started trying to catch the ground.

It didn't work. Tisa was too busy trying to get her partner back to his feet, that the Charizard was ensured that her call went through. The Charizard picked up the phone as Tisa started to pull her friend out from the floor.

" Hello?!" A familiar voice exclaimed from the other side of the phone. Tisa thought she heard the voice before, but she wasn't sure who it was. It wasn't Paarthurnax that's for sure. The voice wasn't as deep. It was more like a screech than a roar.

" H-hello? This is Paarthurnax's wife-" the Charizard began as she began to tremble. Tisa smirked. She was so distracted by trying to call for help. It would be the perfect timing now if they would just go in the room. The little lizard wouldn't have a chance to beat them because he was close to a newborn.

A loud wail broke out. " What a baby." Tisa snorted. Tudi scoffed, " He is a baby. Let's get this job over with. The more we destroy these two lizards, the more likely it is that the little one won't join the squad. Even if he doesn't: All Starters are annoying alive. They can't brag about how powerful they think they are if they're dead!"

" What's up?" The Voice questioned. Tisa then remembered who it was. It's Eule. The dumb owl thingie that's overrated.

" U-uh. Is my husband there with you? I have an emergency at my house. Tudi and Tisa are here. They haven't really done as much damage as I would have expected by now." The Charizard growled.

Tisa rolled her eyes. They could cause more damage if they pleased. They had a job to do, though: destroy the squad and everyone who gets in their way.

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