Chapter thirty-two

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Tisa watched as they left. They left. That's all there was. Leaving. A Mewtwo took their place. His name was Kiumbe.

He was very powerful.

It's been a few days. Tudi hasn't been out since Witness and Boulder left. Tisa guessed he missed them, but she couldn't ask him if he did because he would say he could care less.

She knows how much he truly cares about them, even if he was being a tsundere about his feelings.

He always acted like he wasn't in the mood for anything these days. He must truly thought that Witness had true potential.

Tisa thought that Witness had potential even if she wasn't evil. She just knew Witness was a powerful Pokémon, even if Tudi was now dismissive of the thought.

He always spends his time laying around, deflated. He wasn't even willing to go out to chase the Starter Squad.

Then again Skliros had this evil plan to destroy arceus. So far, Tudi was disappointing him. Without witness it just felt like Tudi was a shell of what he was.

Tisa was so busy thinking about Tudi that she didn't hear the pawsteps that were coming from the outside of the cave. A low growl rang from the throat of a Pokémon that sounded something like a demon.

Seconds past, and Kiumbe asks, " What is that noise coming from?"

Tisa lifted her head from where she was laying about, and gazed into the eyes of pure horror. She wasn't scared, she just heard about this fiend.

A ghostly form of himself, no literally, a black bipedal Pokémon with long ass horns and fangs that could destroy Arceus himself if he was allowed to. A Houndoom by the name of Pulse was snarling from the outside of the cave.

Tudi didn't seem to notice his foster father at first, sighing pitifully. Then his head lifted up when a paw was laid on his back.

" Son," the hound growled lowly. " I would have expected more of a reunion than this. I thought you loved me. Then again, I'm a villain."

Then the hound swiftly grabbed the Sandslash with his front paws, wrapping them around his son. " My son," he seemed to be whining with happiness, clutching him longer than anyone has ever with Tudi.

There were those rare hug moments, but it wasn't usually this long or with anyone other that Tisa, Witness, and sometimes Skliros. Skliros really liked those hugs because they were 'brotherly.'

Whatever the hippie said. " I'm so happy to see you, but I can't say this is a good time. What's going on? Why are you being this lazy and sad? Emotions don't go well with villains."

Oh great, even the dead psychos in on Skliros' knowledge. Tisa thought with a roll of her eyes.

Tudi seemed to freeze. " Yeah, well, I guess you're right, father. It's just...hard." Pulse nodded with understanding. " I know that, but even in the hard times you just gotta keep your cool, and chill." Pulse informed him.

" I think I get it, Father." Tudi commented. Pulse looked at the other Pokémon that were in the cave. " Hmm...Who are these dastardly guests of ours, Tudi. Are they your crew?" Pulse wondered with curiosity in his eyes.

He didn't seem so evil from where Tisa was looking. She guessed he must have had some traumatic event that change him for obviously the better.

Whatever it was, Tisa wasn't interested. He was just another dog-like Pokémon, like her except with black fur, weird edgings on his body, and horns like a goat. It would be very hilarious if his family descended from Gogoats.

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