Chapter five

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Tisa started walking. " Where are you going?" Tudi growled. " With luck, forward." She stated. " You don't even know the plan. We're fugitives. You can't just walk where you want to." Tudi told her.

" You said you didn't need us. So I don't need you." She said. " I went back to that dirty rule abiding jail to get you two out! And this is how you repay me?!" Tudi growled. " Repay you?" She asked him. " Repay you for being a traitor? No! You walking away from the two who believed you could help them gain what they want is the worst thing that is happening right now!" Tisa growls.

" You're lucky I haven't killed you yet!" He yelled. " Id like to see you try." She growled. " With pleasure." Tudi said with a wicked smile. Witness looked utterly horrified at the scene. What she doesn't know is Tudi is tricking her.

Yeah we understand how she feels to be rejected in some way, but there is more to this than just stealing some diamond or pearl. This is how an outlaw is. We fight for ourselves only. Tisa thought as she gazed at the Togepi.

Tudi leaped at Tisa with claws at the ready. Not in front of him, but to the sides. It was like a Pokémon battle between two trainers. If that could ever be said.

Tisa dodged the very controlling male. " I should have never asked you to help me!" She hissed, kicking him hard in the stomach. " Then go back to jail!!" He howled practically. " Oh dear!" Witness exclaimed, hands near her mouth, apparently trying to decide what to do.

Tisa opened her mouth and scorched Tudi. He screamed in pain, but slashed at her cheek. " Come on! Guys! Stop! Please! This isn't going to help either of you!" Witness cried. Tears seemed to be forming on her small face.

The two stopped for a moment and looked at the childish Pokémon. " No!" Both yelled simply. " Fine then! I'll jus fight you both!" Witness says, paws on her hips. " And you think you can defeat me? You're an idiot!" Tudi growled, as his claws glowed silver and his eyes glowered red.

Tisa put out a paw. " Wait. She's got a point." She said. Tudi rolled his eyes. " I overreacted." She admitted. " Finally!" Tudi exclaims as he puts his paws dramatically in the air. " But that doesn't mean what you did was the right thing." She said.

" Oh come on. I'm a villain. I'm naturally bad." He stated, putting an arm around Tisa. She shoved him off of her and gave him a glare. " And I'm naturally a fire type. So don't touch me or I will set you on fire!" She growled, tails lashing.

" Are you always this snappy?" He asked, without a seemingly care in the world. " Uh, Guys." Witness said, tugging on Tudi's claw. " Can it, Witness." He told her.

" Don't ask questions." Tisa responded. She tugged again. "Uh, Guys." She repeated. " Not now, Witness." Tisa told her. " B-but...scary Skarmory!" She wailed, as she pulled Tudi down.

A Skyarmory whacked Tisa on her head before it tried to make an aim for Tudi. " Bucky?!" Tudi asked. The Skyarmory dove again, trying to snatch the sharp clawed outlaw. " The one and only." He proudly stated.

" What are you doing here?" Tudi asked, swatting at him like he was flying type that wanted food.

" He's here for me, my dear." A familiar voice chuckled. Of course. Fuck the female Sandslash for coming here. " You know Bucky?" Tudi asked her. " Ya impressed?" She asked, flirty. Tudi snorted, oblivious.

" No. I would if you knew any Togepi that have strange colorings like Witness, but no. Bucky is just a petty outlaw. He isn't to the ranks of myself." Tudi said in a boast that was so full of himself.

" Humph. Don't expect to impress him with anything including me, Buscar. He's just an outlaw with no sense of feelings." Bucky told his friend. " I understand it, but he will come to terms of what we're doing for him." She  commented.

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