Chapter ten

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Tudi seemed to be mumbling hateful things about Tisa as the three made their way to a quiet beautiful place. " Where exactly are we going, smart guy?" Tisa growled. She was beginning to hate this Sandslash more and more.

Of course her heart was already as hard as stone. " Here!" Tudi growled. " I will train you and your explosive fire balls here!" He decided, as he made claw marks on the ground for some unknown reason.

" Ooh! Pretty! Let's play!" Witness childishly said. " Ugh. Idiot." He mumbled under his breath as he smacked his paw against his head. Tudi turned back to Tisa. " Now remember," he growled at her.

" We are here to train. Not relax. And we're going to train you to make that fire even bigger." He growled. " Not make it slack! You hear me?" He growled. " I'm not deaf." She responded. " Do you get what I'm saying?" He asked her.

She nodded. " Yup. But I think we're both gonna have to coordinate or else this won't work. Maybe having teamwork will help." She said. " Yuck." He said, grossed out at the thought.

She shrugged. " Did you see how those two starters had teamwork and we didn't? If we combine our moves maybe we can destroy them twice as fast. And if we do that, maybe that will increase our chances of actually defeating them. We're not killing as many as you hoped and this might give us an advantage." Tisa growled to him.

He seemed to think this over. " Hm. I guess we can work together. But I'm not gonna like it. You're a slobbery bitch of a fox." He seemed to growl. That upset her a little bit, so she decided to bark right back a him for being a jerk. She thought of a comeback as swiftly as she could.

" Yeah, well I don't want to be seen with a failure like you, yet here we are." Tisa growled. " I hate you, you slimy bitch." Tudi growled. She kicked him as she sassily walked past him. " Let's just do this. I don't want to have to spend more time looking at your ugly face than I want to." She hissed.

The Sandslash folded his arms as he followed. " Fine!" He grumpily said. " Fine!" She barked right back at him. " Fine!" " Fine!" " Fine!" " Fine" by the time they started arguing, Tisa walked straight on the rocks in the area. Tudi fell into the water. She snorted as she kicked the water into his face.

She was pretty sure she insulted him. " Why don't you come in the water, coward?!" He yelled. " I would, but I'm weak to water." She stated as she jumped out of Tudi's reach.

Tudi growled something under his breath. He got out of the water and shook the droplets, scathing Tisa in the process, who growled at the water hitting her.

" Come on, slowslash." She growled at him. " We don't have all day. The sooner we do this, the sooner we can take over the squad." She growled to him, scratching the ground harshly with her claws.

" Don't rush me." Tudi growled. " Ugh. Maybe this is a bad idea." Tisa hissed silently to herself. " Tisa!" Tudi yelled, gaining her attention. " Good." He commented with a sick and evil grin.

" Now hit me with your best fire." He ordered her. Tisa breathed in the air. Her chest started to feel hot. She breathed out her Fire Spin Attack on the Sandslash.

Tudi dodged. " Why are we fighting?" She asked. " I'm testing you before we co-operate." Tudi growled as he tried to attack her. " What gives?" She yowled as she ran awol, trying to dodge the nutcase of a Sandslash. " I need to test something. Let me hit you." He growled at her. " No!" She growled back, arching her back threateningly.

She whipped her body around, and slammed it into the crazy Pokémon. " Why can't you just trust me?!" He yelled at her. She growled, teeth showing to the Sandslash. " You're going to kill me." She growled, feeling the fire within her body literally wanting to come out.

He leaped at her before she could dodge, and tossed her at a tree. Witness was just enjoying herself as she swung from a weird black vine. " What was that for?" She growled, some fire collecting at her feet. It was like she was a demon.

" Because you're so ugly, that tree is your only friend! Not only that, but you're so stupid, you can't figure out why I threw you at the tree!" Tudi yelled at her. She was getting pissed at this guy. I can't believe I looked up to this jerk! She thought as her growl grew louder and louder.

She stepped closer to the sharp clawed Pokemon. The fire at her feet getting bigger and bigger as the Sandslash insulted her. She hated him. She wanted to bite off his head and punish him for being a jerk. For taking advantage of a Togetic when she was just a Togepi and tricked her into going with them. Her Mudkip friend is probably worried about her.

And maybe her parents as well. Fire burned within Tisa's mind. Destroy him. She thought as she opened her mouth.

The fire on the ground already was getting bigger and bigger. She threw a fire spin at Tudi that was so fast that it hit him dead on. She was seething. " How dare you! You have a black heart if you think I was just going to blindly follow a bitch who thinks he can push me around!" She barked as she leaped at the island creature.

Tudi pushes her off of him, a burn on his arm. " I can't believe you did that." He growled. " Can't believe I leaped at you because you taunted me?" She growled confused at what he was saying by now.

He was just insulting her a moment ago and now he's saying he can't believe that she did what she did. He's super confusing. She thought as she tipped her head in confusion.

" No! You still haven't controlled the fire! It seems to get bigger when you get mad though..." Tudi began, a grin beginning to form on his face as he rubbed his claws together in a sort of plan.

" What?" She asked, lashing her nine tails. " Sit!" He yelled at her. " Why would I listen to you, brat?" She questioned him as she showed her big fangs at the outlaw.

" Just sit you idiot!" He yelled. She growled again. " No!" She growled. " Maybe if you listen, you might learn something." He told her. She sat down. " I don't know what I would learn from sitting down." She grumbles.

" Now try to control your fire. Be a good girl." Tudi told her, patting her on the head. " This is so humiliating." She growled, swatting at his claws with her slender paws.

" Just try to control your fire!" Tudi growled at her loudly. She huffed. " And how do you suppose I can do that, smart guy?! Oh wait, you're not smart because you think I can control my damn fucking fire like it's an easy feat to make!" She yowls at him.

" Ugh you're impossible to work with!" Tudi complained as he sat down next to her. Witness was fast asleep by this point snoring up a storm.

" It's not my fault you're asking for something that I can't do right away!" She growled, shuffling a paw a bit, while looking at the ground.

" Why not? Are you just that weak and pathetic?" Tudi growled her, pointing a claw at her. She shook her head angrily at him. " Anger is a powerful thing. It fuels your attacks. That's just how it works." She told him. " Maybe I can learn to control it eventually, but you cannot expect me to master it now. Though that would be nice, I just need to learn how to control my anger. You too." She growled.

" Hah! That's funny." Tudi snorted. " Well, if you could keep yourself from leaping at everyone who either insults you, or makes you mad somehow, then you could probably kill them better and more accurate." Tisa growled.

Tudi shoved her. " You can't tell me how to live my life!" He growled. She glared at him. Just when I thought he was starting to understand me, he shoved me like I'm a tool to one of his dumb games.

She showed her teeth at him once more. " Maybe not, but it's advice that you might need to take. That and the dumb teamwork thing." She growled.

Tudi looked at her with a glare. " No. I will not listen to a freak fox like you." He growled at her. That's it! Her feelings have been hurt way too much. Controlling the tears that wanted to come out, she got up.

Then she ran off. " Hey! You can't run off!" Tudi yelled. " If I'm a freak, then you can survive without me! I'm leaving!" She yowled as she dashed out of the beautiful area, hurt.

When she got quite a ways away, her tears started and she couldn't control them any longer as she collapsed on the ground.

Authors note: Welp that last part I wasn't really planning. Oh well, life doesn't go that way when you're writing really fast.

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