Chapter twenty-six

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Topping things off, the Arcanine that they were in front of was a shiny. He gazed at them with hatred. Okay there's something really stupid about this place.

The Arcanine bared his fangs at them. " Well done, team! That will show those ridiculous Starter Squad who they're up against! They can't even capture a Togepi, and yet here we are with several of the world's worst villains. If only we could catch that rap scallion, Skliros, but I'll take the most dangerous Sandslash and his fox sidekick. And nabbing those bears? Well done!" The shiny praised with a soft growl.

The shiny Weavile's claw went down in successful happiness. " Yes!" She whispered. Is she hoping to get this praise or a raise? What is she hoping with that?

" Well, we shouldn't be wasting time with them out in open air. Be sure to lock each and every one of them right in a cell, and make sure none of them are together. It will just ensure them of what we haven't promised." Arcanine roared.

Xenon continued to trash, the fire obviously burned him, but he seemed to be raring to go. " You can't uphold the law! You're breaking it yourselves!" Xenon seemed to confused. That only made the Weavile snort. " Yeah like I'm going to listen to a manipulative lot like yourselves." She commented as she adjusted Tudi.

He hasn't awoke from his dreamless sleep yet. The sleep that was smacked upon him by ridiculous fate.

Tisa padded alongside the Weavile, eyes on the weasel as she looked behind her. Tisa could hear her mumbling jibberish about Xenon being wrong about the police.

But...I believe he isn't wrong about them. He is right. The police abuse their power. That Weavile thinks she knows the police and all that they do, but she is wrong. She is being tricked. Tricked by that Arcanine. I know when a Pokémon has evil in their hearts, even if they're dismissing the thought they themselves could be evil.

The Weavile and her team lead them to the jail cells. " I am not getting in that." Xenon snarled as he stared at how rusty the cell looked. Weavile rolled her eyes. " Then you shouldn't have done the crime. Get in there, overfat." She responded as she shoved him with a strong claw.

After he was locked in there, he banged on the door; he was swift when he did. It surprised the Weavile. Lucario seemed pissed off though. He put his paw through the door, and smacked Xenon with it.

Xenon roared as he smashed into the wall. Metagross seemed to flinch as she turned to check to see if the wall was okay, and not dented like she thought.

Those walls must be strong to be able to support Xenon without needing a touch up. Yeesh. Security seems tight. Tisa thought as Weavile pulls Tudi up and indicates for her team mates and the rest of the outlaws to follow.

Tisa's eyes kept checking on the ground. Her paws didn't seem to want to move forward. Of course she knew she would be harshly shoved forward if she didn't. It was like she wasn't a female, and was more like dirt.

Her paws seemed to slow down. Was as really going to be locked up in a jail cell? No! I have to find a way out of here....but not without Tudi, Polaire, and Xenon knowing about it. But how can I let them know if we are in separated cells?

Tisa then got an idea. Her mouth curled slightly into a smirk. Maybe the way we get out is make them think that we've given up on getting out and causing mayhem.

It was so simple it might work. But they would have to wait it out. Better not escape. At least for tonight. We might as well bust the others out of this joint.

Tisa's eyes skimmed over the remainder of the outlaws in the cells. She almost groaned as she recognized a Pokémon she wished she wouldn't have saw.

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