Chapter thirty-one

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She was racing, running away. From what? It is unknown. She twitched as she searched her surroundings.

What am I looking for? Tisa wondered as her tails seemed to lash on their own.

Panic streaked her gaze.

Why am I so scared? There's nothing to be scared of!

A voice seemingly echoed around the hole where she seemed to be. " Come out! Come out wherever you are! I want to play with you!"

The voice seemed familiar, but Tisa couldn't place her tails on it.

Whoever it was sent a shiver down her spine. She wasn't even scared. This was one weird predicament.

Her paw stepped back. The soft sand on the ground dug into it, getting trapped between her toes.

" Who's there?" Her Voice was stronger than the rest of her body. Her body betrayed how scared she truly was. She had no idea how she got here or where she even was for the matter.

A darkly chuckle rang out. " My dear Tisa. You should know who I am." They said as a dark shape loomed closer to her.

She took a few steps backwards as see squinted, trying to make out who the creature was.

She thought that maybe the creature was floating, but she couldn't tell for certain. Was it Lassie? It didn't sound like her.

" I should know? Why are you here?" She asked whoever the obvious ally was.

The dark form chuckled as they gracefully floated across into the weird hole.

Tisa locked eyes with the mysterious Pokémon, trying to see who it was. I know who this Pokémon is, but it's like my mind doesn't wish for me to remember.

" Why am I Here? I'm here to take over the world. Your friend's goal will soon be over. The Starter Squad is a worthless target without Arceus as a goal." The pokemon stated.

" What?!" She exclaimed. But I wanted to destroy Harley! I can't do that if we're off trying to kill a freaking Alpha of all Pokémon!

The ideas spewing from the creature's mouth sounded like ideas that only the lowest of forms would think of.

Arceus?! Destroy the God of all Pokémon? It was a goal even bigger than destroy police officers or making sure all Pokémon knew their places.

Whoever this Pokémon was, was obviously a Pokémon who thought they could accomplish anything.

The idea of destroying Arceus sent a shiver down Tisa's slender neck.

That idea sounded like a death wish, and if Arceus was gone, who would provide the world with eggs? With love?

It was a stupid thing for a villain to think of, but Tisa was sure that even the craziest of villains wasn't that insane.

" Destroy Arceus? How?!" She barked at the crazy Pokémon. The Pokémon loomed closer, one azure eye gazing at her thoughtfully.

" You aren't who you say you are. You say you're a villain. All I see is a coward." The pokemon growled as the eye blazed with fury.

" Then why are you hanging around?" She asked. The Pokémon seemed to chuckle. " So you know I'm one of your partners, eh? Did you know why I joined your pitiful group?" The pokemon questions her as they picked off a leaf.

They leaned closer to her. " Why?" She snarled. She was going to have to seriously talk to them when she got back.

She figured out who it was. She had to warn Tudi, but how could she if he was loyal to this jerk?

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