Chapter two

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Tisa woke up when she heard a noise. " Wurm. Wurm. Wurm." She put her paws over her eyes, and with one she pulled part of her skin near her eyes down. " Ugh! Shut up!" She growled, roasting the Wurmple with ease. He fainted with ease.

To make sure it was dead, she stepped on it. Pretty normal for anyone really. It was super easy to step on them and brutally murder them. Unfortunately a Pikachu noticed her. " Stay where you are." He ordered her. She immediately looked away for an escape.

" I said stay where you are!" He hollered as he began to chase her. " Jeez. It was just a Wurmple. People step on them all the time." She barked back at him. " I am a member of the Starter Squad! You will halt now!" He ordered, chasing her down. Then he started panting. " I shouldn't have eaten so much sweets this morning." He commented.

She hared away with a smug grin before tripping into a red body of water. " Yuck!" She exclaimed as she stickily got out of the paint. She looked like a Vulpix again now. A very villainous laugh filled the air, as a Sandslash hit his claws against his knee in laughter.

The Pikachu was suddenly notified and gasped instantly. " You! You stole the Mudkip's groceries! And then murdered him! Tudi!" The Pikachu gasped. Tisa raised a paw casually. " And I ate him." She said, suddenly.

The Pikachu seemed to gag before holding out cuffs. " You both are going to prison! For killing, murdering, squishing, and eating someone else." The Pikachu said.

" I don't think so, slowpoke!" Tudi cried as he dug a tunnel. Crap. I was suppose to follow him and demand he help me. She thought. She started running after him. She lost track of him though. The scent of paint was overwhelming. " Gross. Now I'm going to have to get this all off of me now." She grumbled. 

She began a search. A search for a body of water to wash off the scent of both embarrassment and of paint. That will do! She thought as she dipped a paw into a stream. " That is heavenly." She breathed, letting herself sink in the stream. All the red paint washed off, making the water red. She shivered as she got out.

" I hate water." She grumbled, as she shook herself of the water droplets. " But I love getting rid of undeserving things." She basically purred. " Halt! Stop acting like you did nothing wrong!" The Pikachu cried to her.

She bared her fangs at him. Then she looked slyly. " I have no idea what you're talking about officer." She growled. " You killed that Wurmple. So you are under arrest." He told her. " Wouldn't it have been better to find out what I've actually done before trying to arrest me? I have killed humans with my own fire. And they were my family. I could kill you as well, so back off big fat bitch!" She howled, as she smacked him with a paw.

She began running off again. He chased her. " Those donuts are putting the number on me." The Pikachu panted. " What a Pika mistake you've made." She joked.

She hared off once more, way more faster than this Pikachu. " Hey! Aren't Pikachu suppose to be really fast?" She joked, darting around a tree with the Pikachu trying to keep up. He was failing to.

" I am fast! J-just you wait!" He called. " I would, but I don't want to get captured by a Pika brat like you." She said as she finally swiftly lost him. " Dang it. Not again." She could hear. She snickered.

She rolled her eyes. " Are all law enforcement like this? This is like a game or something." She laughed. Unfortunately her face smacked into a Litten. " Hey! What gives?!" The Litten cried out, as he tried to scratch her face in.

She bared her fangs. A cat! She started barking ferociously. " Stay back! I'll eat you!" She told him. He just stared at her like he just gotten drunk. " I eat you." He stated. She smacked him over the head. " Are you a trainer's or stray?" She questioned him.

" Stray. Doi!" He stated. " Do you know where I can find Tudi?" She asked him. He freaked out. " Tudi!!!!! Where?!!!!! Run!!!!!" He yowled as he dashed way, tail between his legs like doofus. A big doofus. That would be pronounced Bidoof if you tried to say it out loud.

Tisa sighed. " Im surrounded by idiotic men." She put a paw on her face. A Gengar popped in front of her, scaring her half to death with his feeble games. Gengars think they're so funny. She thought, rolling her eyes.

" You say you're looking for Tudi? Or is my brain made of jam?" He asked. " Yes I'm looking for Tudi." She growled. " I just saw him leaving. He looked pretty pissed. It was pretty funny. He lost his partner! Haw haw haw! It was hilarious!!!!!!" The Gengar laughed. It was obvious when he laughed he was a villain as well.

Now that she remembers it. This looks like that one well known bad guy. She has it on the tip of her tongue but can't remember who this idiot is. And he looked pretty fat to her. Maybe even more fat than that Pikachu.

" Of course," The Gengar said, wiping a tear of joy, " By lost his partner....Uh...what's the name? What's the name?" The Gengar asked, snapping his fingers trying to remember who it was.

" Oh! Yeah! Pulse!" He exclaimed, making a gun out of his fingers and moved his hand. " Well, He was super pissed when this starter. He was super ugly. Had a big fat nose! Bigger than a clowns! And this weird and crazily insane Umbreon helped him? I think it was a guy. Looked like a girl. Haw haw! That was super funny!" The Gengar laughed. A Banette was standing next to him, folding his arms.

" Tick tock. We have somewhere to be." The Banette told him. " Oh yeah. Sorry. Well. He went that way." Gengar said, pointing a finger in a direction.

" By the way, I love what you've done to redecorate your house!" The Gengar said. That was creepy. How'd he know? She asked herself. " Oh! And before I forget....glad to meet a new evil doer like myself. Oh and by the way, you're smoking!" The Gengar hollered as his Banette friend had to haul him away.

Tisa snorted. " Idiots. They'll be lucky to even get through their next heist." She barked to herself, turning around to find where the blasted dumb male went.

She shook her fur out as she shivered some more. " Yucky water." She grumbled as she stepped on a Joltik. Didn't even have time to shock her before it died.

Tisa didn't worry about the gender. She past it too quickly. And it was worthless to think about anyways. Maybe once I find Tudi he will find worth in me. The worth that no one else can see. She thought as she scored a mark on the ground.

Who am I kidding me. No one likes a Pokémon who has a disorder. She thought as she kicked the ground, sending clouds of sand in the air.

She sat down. Sometimes I think it's just better if I just end it all here. She thought, as she stared at her reflection a bit. " Who cares what those bitches think?! They're all going to be destroyed by me anyways!" She boasted, as she slashed at the water.

She grinned. " I don't need you, Libby. Go die!" She howled. She turned away from the water. " Now to find that dumb and idiotic Sandslash." She told herself as she stomped away from the stream once more.

Unfortunately it was getting dark. She growled in dissatisfaction. " Fuck! Fuck! This is when those Ghost types come out and try to scare the shit out of you!" She mutters to herself.

" And if that happens....then that means that Tudi will be asleep. And then I'm going to have to wait till morning to ask for his damn help!"She howled. " Why does life hate me so much!" She wailed, as she stepped on another Wurmple, who cried out weakly. He was okay. Just stunned.

Like every bug after they get squashed. And probably scared. She continued to walk and walk. " I didn't know it takes forever to find one sissy of a Sandslash." She panted as she ran. She wanted to get where she was going as fast as possible.

She thought she had seen a ghost. It had yellow rings, she wasn't going to stop and ask it if it was a ghost.

She sniffed the air. " I'm close!" She yipped in glee. She ran, until she almost tripped over the outlaw herself. It was now Dawn. What should I do to wake him? He's probably going to be pretty pissed when I wake him up. Oh well. She thought as she poked the evil creature, and got Metal Clawed as a result.
Authors note: There's chapter two. And there are two of TheTheoryFroakie's ocs in here so they obviously aren't mine. And I don't believe the Pikachu is either. That would be one of Pikagirl1527's ocs.

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