Chapter eleven

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Tisa wiped away her tears. She sniffled. " Jerk." She growled lowly. She let herself be on the cold rock she was on a little bit.

Don't let your dumb feelings control you. She told herself as she got to her paws. She shook herself. She angrily ran again. Stupid Tudi and his stupid opinions! She thought as she continued her turmoil on Tudi and his dumb outbursts.

She growled as she continued to walk. Away from the craziness of the damn Sandslash. " I don't ever want to see a Sandslash ever again!" She exclaimed. A sudden laugh filled the air.

" Unfortunately, I can't grant you that dumb wish." A voice said from the air. Seriously? Tisa asked as she saw the female Sandslash taking a rid from the dumbest named Pokémon ever, Bucky.

Why does that bitchy Sandslash even bother? She can't get to Tudi even if a tank could. Truly, no one could ever get past Tudi's evil heart. She growls. " And why not, Buscar?" She questions her, tails sticking in the air in surprise.

And probably defense. If that could ever be why she had her tails up like that. " Because...I'm right in front of you, stupid! You're so stupid!" Buscar laughed. She hit Bucky and he laughed as well.

" Losers." Tisa growled. Buscar laughed at her. " Awe. Is the Ninetales sad that Tudi insults her day in and day out? What a surprise! Not!" Buscar laughed, teasingly.

" Awe. And is it the Sandslash that got attacked because she flirted with an outlaw she couldn't get to be her boyfriend?" Tisa taunted back, kicking sand into Bucky's eyes. He screamed loudly at that. " My eyes! My eyes! My sexy eyes! I've been blinded by sand!" He cried out.

Tisa laughed. " Wow. That's pathetic even for a low ranked outlaw." She snorted. " I'm a higher rank than you, stupid!" Bucky bragged. " Yet you complain of getting some sand in your eyes?" She asked, smugly.

Bucky made a low sound. " Can I Now...?" Bucky asked, as if he was keeping something from Tisa. " Now!" Buscar yells. The Skyarmory dives at her. She uses Flameflower. He screams loudly like a girl.

He flutters to the ground, before composing himself a little. Tisa blew on her flaming paw in satisfaction. " What are you even doing? A little perfect landing?" She questions him. " Stop saying dumb stuff like that! I am an outlaw! I deserve to be treated as such! Fear me!" He screeches, as he dove again.

She laughed as she swatted him away. " Why must I do everything myself?" Buscar asked as she jumps at Tisa. " If I had a nickel for every time Tudi leapt at me with that Face I'd have a whole lot of nickels." She commented, as she smoothly walked to the side.

The female Sandslash hit the rock she was on. " You don't get it, do you?" Buscar questions her. She shook her head. " Nope. I don't get what you're trying to do." She told them.

Buscar smacked herself in the face. " This is a kidnapping here!" She growled. " Kidnap? Another outlaw? That's so stupid of you!" Tisa laughed, slapping her paws over her legs.

" Ha Ha! Now just hold still!" Buscar ordered her. " What exactly are you trying to kidnap me for again?" She asked. " N-no reason!" Buscar exclaimed. " You're doing this to get Tudi to be your boyfriend, aren't you?" Tisa asked simply, eyes half closed in boredom. Why is this dumb Sandslash so predictable? She asked herself.

Probably because she's a Sandslash and he's a Sandslash and usually Sandslash go together...but sometimes other Pokémon can go with Sandslash as well. Like my kind kinda can. I think. That's a stupid thought. Tisa thought.

Bucky dove at her again. She sank her fangs into his metal body. It kinda hurt her teeth, but she was fine as she tossed him across the area.

He screeched as his metal body went into pain. Buscar growled. " Bucky is literally no help at all! Bucky! Fight harder!" She growled. " She's a fire type! How do you expect me to help you when she spits her deadly fire moves at me?" He asked, dodging as she spat fire at him on purpose.

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