Chapter fourty-eight

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Fear was among him as the Tentacruel took them across the waters to the tower.

This is it, Tisa thought, but why do I have a sense of dread filling me. She wondered as she looked at the lands around her.

For a second, she thought she saw a familiar face, but it vanished as soon she set her eyes upon it. Whatever or whoever it was, though, it sent shivers down Tisa's spine.

For a second Tisa thought she heard whoever it was say, "Let me put you back together, and take you apart all over again."

The voice was so soft, that Tisa couldn't tell if that's what she heard or what.

But how could she hear that voice from right there?

Tisa shrugged it off as her imagination and focused on the tower coming closer and closer.

The Tentacruel took a couple of days to reach it, and boy did he look tired.

He docked, and let them off before screaming and swimming away.

"Maybe we should have killed him." Tudi growled. "He could go tell on us," he continued.

The angered Sandslash took a step forwards, but Sklirós put a ragged hand in front of him. Their gazes were intense.

"No. Let them go."

Tisa was confused by this. Let them go? What good would that do for them?

"Letting them go will allow for our enemies to see we mean business, and treat us seriously. Now let's get that annoying bastard who calls himself God above all pokemon." Skliros scoffed, snorting a bit.

"This time, there is more than an illusion to fear." The same voice soft said, breathing heavily.

Tisa turned around, seeing something that looked like a Beartic disappear.

"Does anyone else hear that?" She asked.

"Hear what? We're so close, Tisa. Stop imagining voices and come along." Skliros told her, seemingly annoyed.

Why is he annoyed? Am I...hearing someone I shouldn't?

She turned forwards and followed Skliros at the back.

They entered the dungeon.

"So here's the plan," the Darkrai said, holding out a piece of paper. He began to draw on it. "We will split up, and whoever finds the stairs first will come get the rest of us. In order to get each other's attention send a signal with one of your moves. Let's register what moves will alert each other that one of us has found the stairs. I'll go first, I'll use Haze to show you guys I've found the stairs, so be on the lookout for this move."

Skliros then created a black haze that surrounded the area.

Pokémon nearby could be heard coughing from it.

"See? So anyways what moves will you guys use to signal if you see the stairs?" Skliros asked curiously.

Lassie went first, not allowing anyone else to show their move first.

She basically did a t-pose before something hard fell on not only Tisa, but everyone besides Pulse.

Tisa gazed up, breathing out puffs of air.

She was smacked by a couple stray icicles of the strange move.

Hail. She decided that was a good move to use.

The Ninetales quickly heated up her body, not wanting to feel the ice melt and become a liquid.

Majnun went next with a smirk, causing Pulse to growl at his Hubris.

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