Chapter seventeen

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" Shouldn't we bury her first? I watched this show where you have to get rid of all the evidence or else they can figure out it was you." Boulder commented. " Nerd. We don't have to. She doesn't deserve it." Tudi chortled.

Boulder just stared at him. " But she'll catch bug type Pokémon." He commented. " No! You obey my orders!" Tudi yelled at him.

" Fine! Fine. I was just curious, Jeez. Don't yell at me just because you have anger issues." He mumbled. Tudi just kicked him in the jaw. Witness strutted on by without a care. Tisa snorted at him. " Once a good guy, always a good guy." She commented at him.

" Hello!" The cheerful Eo greeted them. " What the fuck is wrong with you? We're not your friends." Tudi growled, rubbing his claws together. Tisa bet he could go for another round of kill the good Pokémon.

The two, Tisa and Tudi, encircled the Umbreon with evil glints in their eyes. " Oh please. I'm here to stop you from making a grave mistake, my friends." Eon commented. " Who are you to get in our dreams?!" Asked an outraged Sklirós. He looked mad.

" Ooh! You've made even more friends while I was out!" He gleefully cried out as he hugged the Darkrai. Most Pokémon in their right minds wouldn't just do that to him. Especially a Pokémon who could be a ghost type as well.

" Get off of me! Let's kill this idiot as well!" Sklirós growled. " Not because he's getting in our way, but because he's an annoying little Umbreon!" The Darkrai growled, ticked off.

" You'll have to catch me first!" Eon gleefully squealed as he dashed off. " Get him!" Tudi growled as he runs after the stupid eeveelution. Everyone trails after him, Tisa slowly. " Damn broken leg." She cursed.

She slowly made her way to where the Pokémon was now cornered by the outlaws. " Oh, silly me! I'm cornered! You win! Yay!" Eon stayed, his tail going in the air now along with his lower half of his body.

" Ugh. You don't get it! We're going to kill you now!" Sklirós yelled. A flying Grace was following from the sky. " I can't keep up with all your killings! Wait up!" She cried as she landed on Tisa's head. " Oh yeah! This view is amazing! I can see my house from here!" Grace gleefully cried out.

She put her paws on Tisa's eyes. " I can't see!" She cried. " That's your problem, not mine!" She said, before she saw a wall. A brick one. " Look out you idiot! Stop!" Grace declared. Tisa stopped, nose barely touching the wall now.

" Can you get off of me? I might want to eat you if you stay up there!" Tisa growls. " Tee hee! Alrighty! But I might come back up there later! Expect me to!" She laughed.

She flew back to the ground. " You're dead!" Sklirós exclaimed as he prepared a shadow ball. Eon just giggled. " This is so fun!" He exclaimed. " No it isn't! You're gonna kill yourself!" Boulder told him. " Nope!" Eon commented.

" Oh Arceus he's even stupider than I thought." Boulder commented. " I don't need to worry. I make it out alive! Take that I'm a psychic!" Eon burned. " No you're not. You're a dark type!" Witness burned back.

" But help is on the way! I know all your plans! All of it!" Eon exclaims. " I guess we have to take him out first. Before that backup he thinks is coming actually does." Sklirós commented.

All the Pokémon prepared a move. Eon just kept on saying hi for some reason. It was really stupid that he was trying To be friendly when he was in trouble.  Boulder just gazed at him in pity.

" Three, two-" began Witness. " Three!" A voice said from the bushes. " Four, five, six. Dang it they messed me up!" Witness exclaimed. Pip jumped out. Tudi laughed. " This is your back up?" He questioned.

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