Chapter fourty

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Wings flapped as an angry Paarthurnax faced the dastardly crew of misfits and rejects.

He landed with a dust storm in his wake.

He placed himself between the fighting foxes with both a look of disappointment and exhaustion.

It was as if he had been nonstop with stopping criminals. Which he might have been doing just before going to the scene of the crime that took place.

He put his claws out to hold Tisa in place.

She snapped her fangs at him.

This won't happen. He won't catch us! No matter what happens!

Paarthurnax yelped as he swiftly leaned away from her snapping jaws.

He took in a breath, sighing.

"Look, I'm tired of you guys going around being villains. You're just good as it as you think. Please just surrender." The Starter Squad leader seemed more tired than usual.

It looked as if something happened.

Of course that was none of Tisa's business. She was just noting it.

Tudi scoffed. "Of course we're not going to just give up all our hopes in dreams for a measly starter. Especially not one that's shiny and spoiled rotten by all his followers." Tudi sassily remarked as he jabbed a claw at the leader.

"But..."Paarthurnax began. It seems he had more to say.

"Ugh. Not everyone is like your annoying squad." Tudi groaned.

Paarthurnax holds up a claw as if to silence them.

Tisa was silent. She felt as if what Paarthurnax had to say next was of importance. Who knows, maybe it was a secret that only he knew.

"Well out with it. I only have so much patience." Tudi growled, flexing his claws.

Yeah, Tisa thought. Only so much patience to wait until he could kill his next victim.

Skliros glared at the shiny Charizard.

Tisa blinked.

There was something off with his demeanor.

His posture wasn't nearly as relax as it usually was. And his face. It was an expression of unknowable evil. Evil that even the most evil of evils could never possess. Not in a million years.

There was something about this Darkrai, and Tisa knew it.

Now he was showing off his true colors.

The colors only a demon or the devil could show.

Not even Giratina could match it.

Of course these days Giratina was wallowing around in self pity. He had learned his lesson long ago, and now he's facing his time for his damage.

Skliros growled as Paarthurnax lowered the claw.

"Skliros," he began.

All eyes went on the Darkrai.

"He's not who you think he is." Paarthurnax states to them.

Tudi scoffs. "What?! Of course he's who we think he is. He promised us greatness." He growls.

"If you defeat Arceus. Look, if you don't learn it now you never will. He's more evil than the rest of you. I'd say the rest of you could go, but you're all villains so..." Paarthurnax finishes.

He presses his claws into his mouth. He blows in a whistle, a paw waving around in the air as many starter—reluctant or not—show up.

They surround the villains. Rau growls at them while Tisa just sneezes at the surrounding police.

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