Chapter eight

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Disappointment was on Tudi's face. Their mission to destroy the little brat of a shiny Charmander had failed. He didn't seem to be that disappointed though. He claimed they got through to that brat of a leader, Paarthurnax.

All three walked in the sight of the town with villainous grins. Most ran. Others hid. " This is the life. That's right, fear us!" Tudi growled, as he killed a Starly while it was trying to run. Or fly.

Starters chased after them, but Tudi killed them all with a swift blow. A Rowlet came after them. Tudi slashed at him as well, but the Rowlet dodged the attack as if he knew what he was doing.

His talon claw went in front of him as he attacked the villains. He looked so young, yet he fought better than any of the three expected. It's as If he's a member of the squad. And knowing the rate of Pokémon joining the squad, Tisa would guess this guy is a member.

He looked around seven. Perhaps even six or maybe younger. " Stop!" He told them, pecking the crap out of Tudi somehow. Tisa grabbed the poor fellow by the throat and started to shake him. " Argh!" The Rowlet cawed, Wings beginning to flap.

" Mmm. I wonder what Rowlet taste like." Tisa said, licking her chops, her tongue going over the owl's back. His struggles continued and a slight small sound could be heard.

A blue figure was hopping about towards them, confidence on his face. His long whiskers and his big pink nose gave himself away as a Popplio. If that didn't, his back flippers would have.

Tudi seemed to know this Popplio personally. " Pip." He growled, curling his claws into a fist. Tudi ran at the little Starter Pokémon. " Murderer!" He yelled at the little seal, surprising him. He stood on his flippers.

" I'm not the murderer here. You are!" Pip snapped back. " You murdered my human pal. I simply helped rid the world of a stupid outlaw. And eventually, you will be destroyed as well, all three of you." Pip commented.

" No one threatens me, ugly!" Tudi growled. " You're the one who kills for fun. I was just defending myself against a stupid Houndoom." Pip replied. " What are you even doing here, stupid clown?" Tudi growled, folding his arms in anger. It seemed he couldn't wait to beat the Pokémon to a pulp.

The question was why he wasn't doing that. Tisa glared at the water type, the Rowlet seemed to be forgotten. " H-Hey! We were in the middle of a fight here! Is it over?" The Rowlet asked.

" Shut up, Torchic nugget." Tisa growled at him, dirty and nasty claws now on the Rowlet. He wailed in disgust. " Get off! Get off! Get off! You stink!" He hooted.

She growled, sinking them in further. " I would shut up if I were you. Or else you will be my entree. I can't believe you got out of my mouth." She growled.

" I can't believe you've been successfully killing all my friends! That is horrible!" The Rowlet accused. " Oh please. We are visionaries. You just don't like a little change." Tisa growled, laying down.

" You're wrong." The young Rowlet cawed. " Wrong is a strong word that losers use to describe the creativeness of others." Tisa burned. " Ugh. I wish you would just die already." The Rowlet growled. " Who do you think you are?" She growled lowly.

" The Starter that's going to be the next leader of the squad." He proudly said, making Tisa laugh. " That's a dumb dream. I think Paarthurnax already has a a successor. We tried killing him, but we failed. You think you could manage the squad?" She snorted.

" Yeah! What can you manage? Tudi's to get rid of acts?" The Rowlet asked, holding his heart as Tisa snapped her jaws at him.

" I manage how to keep fucking dumb starters like you damn quiet!" She barked, the Rowlet scrambling backwards to no avail.

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