Chapter fourty-four

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Before she knew it, the sun was starting to rise into the sky.

It woke her up.

She lifted her muzzle to the sky—more likely the roof of the cave, but it didn't matter—stretching her jaw open with a yawn.

She smacked her lips together, glancing besides her.

The others were still asleep.

Tisa snorted.

For once I'm the first one to wake up.

She reached out her paws, stretching them all the way near Tudi and Lassie.

Her back cracked as she stretched out, laying her paws on a couple of pebbles.

She quickly shook out her pelt.

Rocks scattered around the cave, hitting Tudi. Tudi seemingly moved after being hit by the rocks.

He just turned over in his sleep, though.

She tiptoed over all the villains in the cave.

It was weird to see even Skliros asleep.

Wouldn't he need to be preparing to trick them all?

Why did he even visit her earlier?

What was the whole point of this anyways?

Lots of questions.

There's not a lot of answers either. Tisa notes as she almost trips over the body of Majnun.

She gave a slight shudder.

Bitch, she thought, proud of herself for thinking of that instead of actually saying it out loud.

She strut outside in her hubris, paws pressing softly and carefully into the ground.

It had been raining during the night.

A droplet of rain fell on her forehead.

Her ears flattened.

Well ain't that fantastic? She sarcastically pondered as she delicately presses a paw into the squishy ground.

Mud got all over her paws.

She lifted her paw and begun to flick the mud that gotten all over it.

Her face wrinkled into a disgusted face.

What kind of idiot would ever like mud? Nobody would. Most Pokémon saw mud as the real thing it was: gross dirt.

The mud she flicked off her paw spattered all over the ground. They were back where they belonged.

A sudden splurge overcame Tisa.

Her paws tingled with excitement.

That's right! Today isn't like those other days! We all get off our paws and work together to explore! We will get to find Arceus....take him down....Tisa shivered at the thought. And then we can finally show the world how wrong they were about us.

They were wrong about all of us!

Her paws sunk into the mud. She curled her claws, making her paws sink in further.

A smirk crept it's way up her face.

She could see it now. They would be in the spotlight and all those Pokémon who were obviously overrated would be thrown in the trash like they deserved.

She snickered at the thought.

For now, Tisa supposed she could wait for her accomplices to wake up.

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