Chapter twenty-five

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The scuffle didn't last long, as the Lucario instantly focused on his two paws. They formed an Aura Sphere that smacked head on into Tudi. Tisa was sure that the attack was powered by some ridiculous item that was for obviously weak Pokémon, but she didn't point it out.

Tudi's eyes swirled. Sudden fear overcame Tisa. Should she run, or face them head on? Was it even smart to do either? Should she just give up in hopes that when he awakes they will find a way out of...wherever they were going.

It seems that Witness had totally chickened out. She was just lucky she could fly to even get out of it. Maybe it was a different matter other than she was a coward. Maybe she was getting help, but Tisa doubted it.

Maybe she was going to rescue Boulder, and then they would be off. What a bunch of scardey-chus, she thought as the stupid shiny Weavile smirked with overconfidence. " So much for being powerful. Lights out for the mole rat." The pink Pokémon remarked as, without even trying, lifted up the Sandslash.

Xenon roared. " This is all your fault you fat fox! This was your plan the whole time! You sly foxes always think you can get away with shit! I can't wait to rip you to shreds!" He lifted a paw, claws gleaming red, and brought them down at her.

She responded with an easy Flameflower Attack. Xenon roared with pain and fury as he stumbled backwards and fell. Polaire growled as well, but he didn't seem as blameful of Tisa as his partner.

He folded his arms in annoyance. He eyed Tisa. " Your intentions are questionable, but no doubt it wasn't to have these ugly bitches catch us." The white bear indicated to the strong bunch.

The Weavile held out the tormenting chains. Tisa snarled with anger. " You don't need to put those inhumane steel traps around us. You taking out our powerhouse is enough." She growled. " Not to mention you burned Xenon you little piece of crap." Polaire growled.

" Well if he didn't try to claw my face off maybe he would still be standing up, and not struggling to get up off the ground." Tisa argued.

" Shut up, prisoners! You thieving killers should have been locked up a long time ago!" The Lucario said with his boring-and-serious voice. Tisa could tell that this guy was such a Hoot!

Of course he would have to stop folding his arms in the manner he was. " Come along then, outlaws. The more you struggle the harder it will be for you." Weavile growled as she practically waved Tudi as if he was more like a doll, and even if she was, she was waving him around like he was even worse than the worst Banette; that might even be true since he's tried to kill most of the starters that come in his path who aren't Boulder.

Even then he would try to kill Boulder. Boulder is the only starter that has ever truly gotten Tudi to kinda sort of like them.

The stinky Weavile continued to taunt them by waving Tudi around. Now that is uncalled for. Xenon continued to struggle up. " I'm going to kill you all!" He roared. " Good luck with that." Lucario commentated, using Force Palm on the beast. He roared with pain as he continued to figure out how to get up.

The bear grunted as he struggled, lightning bolts in his fur. Most of the Pokémon excluding the Lucario gasped. " You paralyzed him." Groaned Dragonite. " Great now we will have to be the ones to carry him, Lucario." Metagross complained as she put a paw on the still struggling Pokémon.

The Ursaring roared as he swiped at her. " We are not going anywhere! You're dead!" He roared. Lucario instantly put the cuffs on him. That angered Xenon. " You can't keep me in jail you idiots!"

" Yes we can. We're twenty times more powerful than that idiotic Starter Squad and any other hidden squads or heroes. Only the police are the true heroes!" Metagross declared as her legs grasped a hold as the Dragonite aided her.

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