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A Vulpix peeked out a window. Her happy tail was wagging once again. " Tisa!" A voice called out to her. She raced to the sound of the voice, happy as can be.

" Yay!!" The Vulpix cheered, licking the female human's face. Her name was Libby. A weird name for a fact, but Tisa wasn't really better. It didn't matter though. All that mattered to her right now was her brand new family. She honestly never knew her actual family, nor did she care.

They can go take a long hike and get hit by Zapdos' lightning bolt for all I care, careless Pokémon.

Libby was all who she needed now. Her and her parents too. " I know they will never abandon me." She said happily. Libby picked up Tisa. " Wanna see something I'm good at?" She asked the Vulpix. " Vul!" Was Tisa's response. That meant, Show me what you can do! I wanna see what you can do!

" Okay, But it might be a little silly or stupid. At least, that's what my parents think of it." She said. She placed Tisa down as she took out a sowing kit.

She grabbed some sort of human clothing and started sowing. The little Vulpix's eyes widened in wonder. " This is sowing." Libby told her, pausing a moment to look over at the Vulpix.

Tisa closed her eyes in enjoyment. " That's neat. I love it." Tisa responded happily.

The two continued to happily be by each other's side as Libby continued to sow. Tisa laid her head down. She blinked. " You're the best, Tisa." Libby suddenly said.

Her head lifted. " Huh?" She asked. " Listening to me? No one ever does. But you're a pokemon. You have no cares. You are the best." Libby repeated. " I guess I am." Tisa said with a happy face and a wagging tail.

Libby giggled. Tisa grinned. Then suddenly and darkly she said, " I will make sure you don't hate me like my parents did. And if you ever do..." the Vulpix said, making a cutting noise out of her own throat. " You'll be dead like that!" She laughed.
Authors note: I happily invite these people to check this out if they will. And I also hope you enjoyed.

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