Midnight interruption

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Set in 2×02
Request by lama_muffin
Hope you're all well and safe❤

Betty pulled Jugheads t-shirt on, slipping off her jeans before she climbed into bed. She loosened her hair elastic, letting the blonde waves fall down to her shoulders with a sigh of relief that she could finally relax for the evening.

As she wrote down the events of the day in her lilac leather journal, she heard a faint tapping sound against the window of her room. She frowned and stood up, running a hand through her hair as she made her way to the window.

"Juggie?" she questioned when he appeared in the reflection, becoming increasingly concerned when she noticed the dark circles under his eyes and messy curls that sprawled over his forehead. He offered her a weak smile as she pushed the window up, allowing him to enter her sickeningly pink room. 

"Hey Betts" he exhaled, eyes wild and breathing shaky. He didn't know how to stop spiraling, needing his anchor to set him back into a calm state. 

"Juggie what's wrong?" Betty asked gently, her hand reaching to grab his arm which caused him to flinch in surprise. 

"It's bad Betty. Really bad. I don't know how to fix this, I usually do but this time it all just seems impossible" he rambled, pacing back and forth between her bed and the window he had just entered through. 

"Hey, slow down. What's bad?" she asked, settling her hands on his shoulders to halt his sporadic pacing. 

"My dad. They're offering him a deal but he didn't even commit the murder, if he goes to prison I won't have my dad Betty. I can't lose him, not another person" he shook his head, eyes welling up with pools of tears. 

"Okay, okay just take some deep breaths. How long will he face if he takes the deal?" she questioned, leading him over to her bed. 

"20 years in state prison" he sniffled, sitting against the wall as she placed herself next to him. 

"And if he doesn't?" she dared to ask, afraid the answer would be very excessive. 

"40 god damn years. If it goes to trial" he mumbled, gulping at the thought of what prison would do to FP. Sure he was tough on the outside, but even he couldn't handle such a long and excruciating sentence.

"Oh Jug...I'm so sorry" she whispered, gently pulling him down so his head was on her lap. She ran her fingers through his curls watching as his breathing began to steady itself. 

"I'm so scared Betts. He's not perfect that's for sure, but he doesn't deserve this. Everything is crumbling" he vented, looking up at her as his hands layed shakily on his chest. 

"I know Juggie, we'll get him out of there. Whatever it takes" she assured, carefully taking his cold hands in hers to help soothe him. The young couple sat there in comfortable silence, Betty trying to bring him some form of calm to battle against the worry he was facing. 

"What if we bust him out..." Jughead suggested randomly after a while of silence. Betty raised an eyebrow at his statement, watching him sit up. 

"Jug that's not a good idea. We could get into serious trouble" she sighed, knowing he was grasping at the bottom of the barrel for ideas. 

"Now you care about getting into trouble? Seriously Betts? We've considered actions like this before, why is it any different now?" he asked in frustration getting off the bed. She paused for a moment biting down on her lip. 

"He would have to go on the run, we will be absolutely screwed. Juggie your dad doesn't deserve this but breaking the law is not the answer" she explained calmly. 

"I don't care! I'll do whatever I have to Betty, he's my dad" he argued, throwing his arms up in the air. 

"I know, but I won't let you ruin your life for this. We will fight for him I promise, please Jug I need to know you won't do something stupid" she begged, standing up and making her way over to him. He turned to look at her, face softening as soon as he recognised her worry. 

"You're right" he whispered, shoulders slumping in defeat. "I'm so scared"

"I know Juggie, I know. I won't let you go through this alone" she replied gently, her arms wrapping around his neck. He soon snaked his arms around her waist and buried his face in her neck, breathing in the comforting coconut scent of her blonde waves. Hot tears hit her neck as he finally let go of everything he had been holding in. 

When the two pulled apart Betty suggested they take a shower to help him get to sleep. Her mother wasn't home so she didn't mind having a late shower with him; both of them taking off their clothes before stepping under the hot water. 

"I love you" she whispered as they stood close together, her hands running shampoo through his now soaked curls. After they both washed and dried off, Betty gave Jughead some of his sweats that she had taken and she changed into the t-shirt he had previously been dressed in. 

"Sorry for interrupting your sleep" he mumbled as they curled up together in bed, her head on his chest. 

"No I want you to come to me when you're feeling like this. Always" she shook her head, her hand laying on his bare chest. He clutched her in his arms securely all night, Betty talking to him until he drifted off to sleep. 

"I'll always be here for you, no matter what" she murmured to him as her eyes fluttered closed, soft breaths leaving her lips in a peaceful sleep. Always. 

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THANK YOU!!!! This book has reached 3k votes, it keeps me motivated and makes me want to continue my passion of writing. So thank you so much to all of you❤

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