The girl that got away

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Jughead never liked attention, never understood the need for it nor craved it. He liked being in his own company with a world of his own rather than surrounded by crowds of teenagers. He didn't want loads of friends and definitely didn't care who liked him or didn't. Well, that's not strictly true. He did hold one person's opinion as important. Betty Cooper, the blonde that stole his heart the day she let him play in the sandpit with her. A girl that had shown him more love than he thought anyone was capable of. She was special, she was beautiful, but most of all she was Archie Andrew's girlfriend. 

The two had become 'official' that Christmas and ever since Jughead had watched their relationship grow by the week. He held back all his love for Betty so that both of his friends could be truly happy, even if it meant he couldn't be. There was one thing Jughead wanted more than anything- for Betty to love him the way he loved her. A hopeless fantasy that was pointless to even consider. 

"Right so if you use the formula (-b±√(b²-4ac))/(2a) can you answer these?" Jughead asked, handing his redhead friend a sheet of paper. 

"I'll try" he sighed, resting his chin on his fist as he starts the first question. Archie wasn't the brightest at maths so Jughead, being the brainy friend, had offered to help tutor him for the upcoming exam. 

"Thanks for the birthday idea by the way. Betty loved the drive-in, I didn't really get the point of the movie but it was okay" Archie smiled, noticing the slight disappointment on his friend's face. Who could blame him? Rebel without a cause was such a classic and Betty had amazing taste, Jughead had hoped to take her himself but Archie was the boyfriend- plus he had the money for it. 

"No problem" the boy muttered, watching Archie stare at the questions in front of him. 

"She's coming to my game next week, the second time since we've been together. I think I'm gonna bring her to Pop's with the other bulldogs and their girlfriends, so she can bond better with them" he suggested. 

"Do what you want" Jughead nodded, knowing for a fact that Betty would dread hanging out with brainless jocks. 

"Yeah and she-" 

"Can we just focus on the work please?" he interrupted with a loud sigh, rolling his eyes. Archie seemed taken back by the sudden outrage, putting his pen down. 

"What's up with you?" he asked. 

"Nothing I'd just rather spend my time writing or watching something but I've given it up to help you, so make the most of it" 

"You always get like this when I mention Betty" Archie replied, shaking his head. 

"Maybe because I don't wanna listen to your stupid girl problems" Jughead scoffed, throwing his arms in the air. 

"You're calling her stupid?" he accused getting up from the bed. 

"No you idiot, I don't think Betty's stupid. In fact she's the smartest person I know, which is why I can't comprehend why she chose to be with you for the life of me. I'm not the jealous type but I've let it rip me to shreds watching her pick you every time, just because you've got it all haven't you? You've got everything handed to you on a silver platter and you're simple, simple beats complicated any day. I tried to be happy for you both but I can't" he blurted out, hands tightening around the edge of his beanie as he tried to stay calm. 

"You like Betty?" is all Archie could say, blinking at the distressed teenager. 

"Yes! For the love of God Archie, I could not be more blatantly obvious about it! You're too wrapped up in football games and music to actually see that it's wrecking me. I'm happy for you both, I really am. But I can't watch you together. I'm sorry" he sighed, picking up all of his stuff. 

"Be good to her" he mumbled, walking out of the door. He rushed down the stairs and left the Andrew's household quicker than ever before, his beanie falling onto the path. With an angry sigh he left it behind, walking further away from the perfect streets of the Northside. He didn't belong there and he never would. 


It had been two weeks since Jughead had spoken to Betty or Archie. Every time Betty tried to get his attention in the hallway, he turned his head. Every time he saw her coming towards him, he'd rush off in the other direction. And Archie? The extent of his effort stopped at awkward glances. 

Betty didn't understand what was going on. Jughead wouldn't talk to her and Archie wouldn't talk about him. She assumed something had blown up between them but she didn't get why Jughead would get her off as well. She missed him like hell, more than she probably should. 

That overpowering feeling of missing him led her to turn up at his house, stepping up to the door. She knocked lightly, her other hand gripping at his knitted beanie that he'd left on Archie's driveway. 

"Jug I know you're in!" she called out, knocking harder this time. With no response after another minute, she slowly opened the front door and peered in. She let herself in, closing the door behind her. 

"Betty get out" he murmured when she approached him, finding him sitting on the sofa with a laptop perched on his lap. 

"Not until you talk to me Jug. Has something happened between you and Archie?" she asked, crossing her arms. 

"No, I just don't want to do this anymore" he excused. 

"Do what? Be friends? Is that it? You just walk away, that easily" she challenged, dumping his beanie on the table. 

"Easy? Are you serious? Betty the hardest thing I have ever done is to walk away still madly in love with you!" 

"Wha...what?" she breathed out, eyes widening in disbelief. 

"See this, this is why I didn't tell you. I knew you'd freeze up and freak out because you don't feel the same way" he muttered burying his face in his hands. 

"That's not fair Jughead" she whispered, tears welling in her misty eyes. The truth is a couple of months ago Betty would've run into his arms, but not anymore. 

"You can't just- no! No, I gave you chance after chance to tell me, I made every hint possible. I asked you on dates that you just thought were a 'friend gesture'. You never once showed me you even liked me!" she shouted. "and now as soon as I think I'm moving on you decide to tell me? When I'm dating Archie and letting go of my old wishes to be with you? That isn't fair" 

"Betty I..." he trailed off, clueless for what to say. He hadn't known. 

"It's different now. I'm sorry" she whispered, wiping her eyes before turning on her heel and walking out the door. She ran down the steps, ponytail swinging as she tried to get away as fast as possible. 

"Betty!" he called after her, watching the girl he loved, perhaps too much, walk away. As if she was walking out of his life, the sight of her vanished behind a set of trees. He'd let her get away, let someone else come along and do the very thing that he couldn't. Admit what he felt inside. A regret he would carry with him to the grave. 

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Stay safe everyone!

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