Birthday tears

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A/N: Loved this idea! Requested by Xbughead_is_endgameX

Betty woke up with a bright smile on her face, jumping out of her bed whilst she hummed the tune to her favourite song. It was her birthday and she couldn't wait to spend it with her favourite people, just to get away from the hell that was their ordinary lives. She changed into a floral white dress and left her hair down for once, applying some lip gloss before grabbing her phone. 

No new messages 

She brushed it off, deciding maybe it was a little early for people to be awake. She put the phone down and walked downstairs where Alice was sat at the table. "Hey mum" she smiled. "Hi darling" Alice replied, not looking up from her laptop screen. Betty's face fell and she chewed on her lip nervously. Had her own mother forgotten? "So what's the plan for today?" she asked, hoping Alice would have something prepared. 

"I'll be in the register all day, so you'll have to get your own lunch. I've got to go honey, see you later" Alice replied, picking up her laptop and leaving soon after. Betty stood there shocked, her own mother had forgotten her birthday. Of course everyone had a lot on at the moment but it still hurt her deeply. She sighed and made herself some breakfast, constantly checking her phone as she ate. 

The blonde was washing up her plate when her phone rang, rushing over. It was Veronica which made Betty smile, her best friend would never forget. "Hey V!" she greeted. "B! Hey I was just calling to ask if you could do a shift at Pop's tomorrow? We're running low on staff" Veronica explained. Once again Betty's face fell, not Veronica as well? "Oh um...yeah sure. Just message me the times" she mumbled. The call soon ended, Betty sitting down and hugging a pillow to her chest. Had everyone forgotten? There were no messages or calls from even Jughead which broke her heart the most, her own boyfriend. She felt like she was making it more of a big deal than it was but this birthday was her one chance to have a day off from all the stress. Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door, sighing and walking over. There stood her childhood best friend Archie, there was no way he'd forget. 

"Arch, hey!" she smiled, regaining the spring in her step. "Hey Betty, do you mind if I borrow your ladder? I'm doing some work on the garage and need to get to the roof" he asked. She was so sick of it now that she just nodded and closed the door. She rested against it as tears clouded her eyes, her lip trembling. She resumed her position with the pillow in her arms, dropping her head and holding in her tears as she curled up. 

Then there was another knock. Tempted to ignore it, she sat there for a bit but the person knocked again. She walked up to the door, opening it to see Jughead stood there with two bags in his hand and a big smile on his face. That same smile soon fell when he saw the blonde with tears streaming down her face. 

"Betty? What's wrong?" he asked, dropping the bags and bringing her into his arms. He'd remembered, she could see presents in the bag and her heart fluttered. He hadn't forgotten her birthday. "They all forgot" she sniffled. "My mum, Archie, even Veronica" 

"Oh Betts" he sighed, running his fingers through her hair. "I'm sure they've just got a lot going on, but hey I'm here and I definitely didn't forget" he grinned. She giggled and pulled away a little, leaning up and pressing a soft kiss to his lips. 

"You look beautiful by the way" he complimented, looking down at the floral dress. She giggled again, hugging him tightly and mumbling "I love you" as she breathed in his familiar scent. 

"I love you too, now come on. I've got presents" he smiled, picking her up. She shrieked when he hoisted her up around his waist, giggling and kissing him passionately. He placed her down on the sofa before grabbing the bags and sitting down next to her. He passed her the first present, it being a tub of her favourite ice cream. "No joke, you could buy me 5 of these as presents and I'd be happy" she laughed, hugging him. "Be careful when you open the next one" he grinned, passing it over. She took off the wrapping paper, revealing a small snow globe that had their names in gold inside of it. Her eyes widened and she hugged him again "Juggie its beautiful" she breathed out, shaking the globe lightly. This was slowly going from the worst birthday to the best. Her other presents were little things that she loved, one being one of his hoodies as she'd basically taken half of them.

"I had to buy new ones so don't go stealing them again" he warned. She giggled and kissed his cheek, spotting one more present. It was a rectangular velvet box, him placing it in her hands. She slowly opened it to reveal a beautiful necklace. It was gold with their names engraved in black, a small diamond placed in between. 

"Jug...its much did it cost?" she asked in shock, carefully picking it up. "That's for me to know. I know jewellery doesn't fix much but you've had the worst year, I just wanted you to have something nice" he smiled, immediately being engulfed in a tight hug. She couldn't even comprehend how lucky she was; it sucked that other people had forgotten but he'd made this birthday so incredible even just by turning up at her door. "Can we have a movie day?" she asked, wanting to cuddle up to him and watch films together. "That's the plan, we have a dinner reservation for tonight" he informed, holding up the bag of snacks. 

A few hours later the couple had eaten all the snacks plus Betty's ice cream, cuddled up under blankets whilst the movies played. The comedic drama they were watching had just ended, Betty resting her head on Jughead's chest as her eyes closed. "Betts we can't fall asleep, we've got reservations in an hour" he chuckled tiredly. "30 minutes? Pleaseee, it's my birthday" she asked, looking up at him with puppy eyes. "You're lucky I love you" he chuckled "30 minutes but then we're getting up" 

"I'm so sorry B!" Veronica spoke as she rushed into the break room the next day. Betty smiled and stood up, hugging her tightly. "V it's okay" she assured. "No it's not! I forgot your birthday" she sighed. "I know but everyone's life is hectic right now, plus Juggie made it the best birthday" she assured, sitting back next to him and cuddling up to him. Everyone felt so bad, apologising and thinking of ways to make it up to her but the blonde just smiled and fiddled with the new locket on her neck. "Don't worry guys, it was pretty much perfect" 

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