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A/N: So two credits for this one! I wrote a similar one to this in my old book but deleted it to kae room for more. Requested by betssjoness to put it back up Also used ideas from my rp with Bughead_love_lyfe
Stay safe everyone ❤️ leave requests below!

"Jules please" Betty sighed, bouncing her in her arms. The 10 month old had been crying for what felt like forever now and Betty didn't know what to do. Betty knew exactly what Juliet wanted, she just wanted her dad. He'd been working day after day, night after night. They barely saw him anymore and it was breaking Betty's heart. She felt like she was raising their child on her own and she'd never felt so distant from him. Juliet wasn't exactly easy at this point either, of course Betty adored her but she was definitely a handful. Betty had been struggling with getting her to feed, Juliet was teething so getting her to stay asleep was almost impossible and when Jughead was at work Juliet would just cry. It made Betty feel like an awful mother and like she couldn't fix any of it. 

She finally got her daughter to sleep by giving her Jugheads beanie to clutch onto as she slept. Betty dumped herself onto the couch and let tears stream down her face. What was she doing wrong? 

Jughead walked through the door at a few minutes past midnight, exhausted after a day of work. He took off his shoes and jacket and walked past the living room where he saw Betty on the couch. He saw she was asleep with puffy red under eyes and tear stained cheeks. He sighed and picked her up, walking upstairs with her sleeping body. He changed her into a pair of pyjamas before putting her in bed. He then walked to Juliet's room and found her wide awake in her crib. "Hey Jules" he smiled picking her up. "Dada!" she giggled, clapping her hands. He chuckled and kissed her head, bouncing her in his arms a little. He saw the beanie in her bed and grinned, picking it up and placing it on her head. It fell right over her eyes making her shriek and giggle, shaking her head around. After a while of the girl babbling nonsense to him she fell back asleep and he put her in her crib. 

Betty woke up the next morning tucked into bed, the space next to her still empty. She walked downstairs wrapped in a blanket "Juggie?" she called out, expecting no answer since he had probably gone to work. "In here gorgeous!" she heard from the living room. She shuffled into the living room finding him lying on the couch with his arms open for her. She wasted no time in crawling into them as he wrapped them around her tightly. "I've missed this, but shouldn't you be at work?" she asked quietly. "Not when you're upset. I found you asleep and you looked like you'd been crying, what's up honey?" he asked. She sighed and rested her head on his chest, yawning tiredly. "Jules won't feed properly, she's teething and she misses you so much. All you do is work and she just fusses and cries for you" she complained. "And before you even say something, I know you're trying to support us and make sure we have funds but I need you here. I feel like I'm raising our child on my own and that wasn't the plan. We were suppose to do this together" she sniffled. Just hearing Betty let everything out made Jugheads heart break. He never meant to make her feel so alone, he was just so invested in keeping his family supported that he lost his priority of actually spending time with them. 

"I'm so sorry baby, I never meant for this to happen. I've just been so caught up" he sighed, finally speaking up for a while. He held her tight in his arms, letting her cry into him. 

"You're an incredible mum and I promise I'll figure something out. I'll ask my boss for some reduction on my hours okay?" he assured. She nodded and smiled up at him, kissing his lips softly before slowly drifting off again.  They would do this together, they would raise their beautiful daughter as a team. He was going to make sure that Betty never felt like this again because although parenthood was a struggle, neither of them would change their little girl for the world.

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