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5 minutes

As much as Betty loved school, chemistry dragged. She stared at the clock, waiting for the minutes to pass until she could leave and hide away in the Blue and Gold room. 

3 minutes

"Elizabeth? I asked you a question" 

The interruption broke her out of her thoughts, eyes wide as she looked up. Her cheeks turned a bright pink, trying to hide that she hadn't listened to a word of what her teacher was asking. 


"I'll ask someone else, pay attention next time" he grumbled, shaking his head at her. She slumped into her chair with an internal groan, having wanted to stay in his good books for the upcoming parents evening. 

1 minute

The bell finally rang and everyone sprang up from their chairs, ignoring the teacher who was trying to explain the homework. Betty waited and listened patiently before she got up, rushing out of the classroom. In such a dash, she smashed into something and felt herself toppling over. 

"Woah! Betts look where you're going" a familiar voice laughed, his leather-covered arm catching her by the waist. She peered up at him, her glasses falling down to the bridge of her nose. 

"Juggie? Where have you been! You missed maths and chemistry!" she gasped, adjusting her specs to fit properly back in place. 

"No offence gorgeous but the sound of maths and chemistry makes me fall asleep even thinking about it. Even if you're there" he smirked, keeping his arm around her waist "And I knew you wouldn't skip with me" 

"I would!" she defended, starting to walk with him to their favourite room of the whole school. Mostly because it was practically theirs. No one else went in there, and they spent most of their days occupying the old dusty newspaper room. 

"Yeah right, Betty Cooper would skip class with the delinquent serpent" he mocked, pressing a kiss to her head. 

"You're not funny" she muttered with a glare, entering the room. She walked over to the desk she had claimed as her own and sat down on the desk. 

"Fine, prove me wrong. Skip with me" he shrugged, crossing his arms as he leaned against her desk. 

"I can't, I have biology and I've got to hand in my project that I basically did all alone because the others- okay I see your point" she stopped herself, dropping her head in annoyance. 

"Hey, it's cute when you go all nerdy on me" he grinned, gently lifting her chin with his index finger "It's one of the many reasons I love you" 

Her cheeks turned a bright pink shade for the second time that day, watching him carefully as his hands moved to her hips before she felt his lips pressing against her own. After a slight moment of nervous hesitation, she returned the kiss. 

Betty was definitely considered 'innocent' by the kids of Riverdale high, but there was always an exception to the rule. Jughead Jones was that very exception. 

The two had been dating for just over a year, no one knew how it had begun or why they worked...but they just did. They balanced each other out and had a deep connection that seemed to be kept just between them. 

"Juggie I have class" she whispered as he lifted her up onto the desk, nudging her legs apart with his knee. 

"Go ahead" he murmured, not breaking the kiss. He knew her better than that, he knew she'd become too distracted by him and stay "Wouldn't want to be late would you?"

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