All bundled up

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Sorry it's been so long! This week is my last week ever of secondary school (high school for american readers) which is crazy! So it's been super busy with sorting everything for all our grade evidence! Anyways, enjoy this short fluffy oneshot!

It was a cold winter in Riverdale, snowball fights and children's laughter filling streets as they tried to make the most of the passing weather. Some however, preferred the comfort of their own warm beds wrapped up in blankets. In a small beaten up trailer laid the Northside blonde and her loner boyfriend, entangled in each others arms with only thin layers of clothing separating them. Betty had rolled half on top of the teenage boy, her face in his chest and hands clutching at his t-shirt- having been clingy all week due to her roller coaster hormones.

"Juggie it's freezing" Betty whispered, clambering further up his body so her head tucked into the crook of his neck. He tightened his arms around her littering feathered kisses all over her left shoulder. 

"I think the power went out in the night" he replied in a hoarse morning voice, quickly clearing his throat afterwards though his girl clearly found it attractive. She whined shaking her head, pulling the blankets further over them. 

"Which means no heating, and the insulation in these trailers is pathetic either way" he reminded moving slightly so he could see her. The boy reluctantly climbed out of bed, chuckling at the blonde's whines as he exited the small box like room. He shuffled into the living room, grabbing two blankets before walking to the window. It had iced over with small white crystals, making it difficult to see out but when he did he realised the problem. They were snowed in. The layers reached part way up the door, blocking anyone from leaving and making it extremely difficult to enter. He tried to flick a light switch on, but nothing happened.

"Slight problem" the boy spoke through a yawn as he sat on the edge of the bed, unfolding the blankets to wrap around them both. "We're snowed in, and I was right about the power. I don't know why we chose to stay here on a cold night" 

"You were the one who wanted to get privacy quickly, this is closer to the bar than my house" she smirked, the memories of the night before evident in the patterns across her otherwise pale neck. 

"Don't act like you could've waited" he teased back, receiving a light slap to his chest as he rolled under the covers. He chuckled wrapping his arms around her, kissing her cheek. 

"Veronica messaged me, her and Archie are snowed in too. The power is out at his so I'm guessing it's the same for the whole town, I am are going to try face time V later if the connection is decent" she explained, one hand in his mop of messy curls. Giggles echoed through the room as she felt his hot breath against her neck from where he'd buried his tired face in the crook; copying her position from before. 

"This sucks, I wanted to go to the winter market today with Juggie" Betty complained to her best friend, her phone resting up against a mug on the coffee table as she faced it laying on the sofa- the fluffy blanket covering half her face. 

"And there's no power for anything, my mother called me; apparently it should be back up and running in a couple hours. The whole town is out" the Lodge girl sighed, fiddling with the silver tinted ring on her index finger. 

"Hey Betty" Archie smiled as he walked into the camera frame, slumping down next to Veronica. 

"Hi Arch" she chuckled as Veronica pushed his legs off of her "Jug's here if you wanna talk, he's just writing" 

"Better not interrupt him in the zone" Veronica teased with a roll of her eyes, soon changing that to a smile when Archie passed her a mug of what Betty assumed was some form of hot drink. 

"I heard that Lodge" Jughead called out from the opposite sofa to his girlfriend, looking up from his laptop for a split second. 

"That was the intention Jones" she retorted back with a smirk as Betty turned her front camera to the rear to which Jughead chucked a pillow straight at it. 

"Oi!" she whined with a pout, moving over to where he was sat in a swift step. She curled up next to him chatting away to Veronica and Archie, to which Jughead added a random comment every so often. Eventually both girls were half asleep on call, well mostly Betty, both boys cuddling them close. 

"Betts I think you should end the call if you're gonna sleep" he whispered as he brushed her hair back, punctuating his sentence with a gentle kiss to her temple. When he didn't get a response both him and the red-head on the other side of the phone chuckled, picking up their girlfriends phone's. 

"I'll speak to you tomorrow Arch, hopefully see you" Jughead smiled. 

"Yeah see you dude" Archie nodded, ending the call shortly after. Jughead placed her phone down on the table and pulled her blanket over both of them, holding his girl tightly against his chest. 

Just as they had hoped the power came back on late that day, many choosing to once again go out into the snow, though Jughead stayed in to comfort the sleeping blonde- like he always would.

"I love you" he whispered wholeheartedly and though she couldn't reply at that exact moment she felt the same way too. 

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