Single dad

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Olivia sat on the teachers chair feeling very special as she spun around on it, swinging her legs. She had been waiting for her dad for 20 minutes now so she had been allowed to go back in until he arrived since the wind had picked up. 

"Liv, is that your dad's car?" Mrs Mays asked, pointing through the window. Olivia looked up, her eyes lighting up as she jumped off the chair with a huff "Yeah!" 

She dashed outside with her teacher trying to keep up, eyes moving from left to right looking for her dad who had just stepped out of his car. "Daddy!" she squealed when she saw him speed walking over, running into his arms. 

"Hey munchkin, good day?" he asked softly, lifting her up onto his hip. He had been stuck at a diner shift for longer than he expected once again, feeling horrible for being late. He could practically feel the other parents burning their judging eyes into his leather covered back. 

"Yeah! We coloured and I made a picture for you!" she rambled to him, a smile on her face that could last forever around her dad. 

"That's amazing honey, show me when we get home yeah? I'm sorry for being late, I got held back" he explained to her teacher, a mass of guilt presented in his tired eyes. 

"It's okay Mr Jones, she's a pleasure to spend time with" the brunette woman assured, always letting him off if he was ever slightly behind. 

Not many people new Jughead's situation; only his closest friends, Olivia's teacher and his dad (though he wasn't around to help). He was a single dad raising his sweet daughter Olivia Jones, in his eyes the most understanding smart kid he had ever met. She didn't mind not having the latest gadgets or new toys, understood when he was late or if she had to stay with Veronica and Archie every so often. Whatever he needed to do, she understood. The topic of her mother had come up a few times though she was never told much, just that the woman had left her dad with her as a baby and fled town. Aunt Veronica had always said she would tell her more when she was older, but there was no guarantee since it seemed an awkward topic for everyone. 

Jughead thanked her and apologised once again before taking Olivia back to the car. 

"Can we go see Aunty TT?" she asked as he strapped her into the car seat, her hand gripping onto her painted picture. 

"Maybe tomorrow munchkin, she is working at the bar tonight. Plus I bought all the supplies to make your favourite pasta!" he grinned as she squealed excitedly, the thought of pasta keeping her talking all the way home. 

When they pulled up outside the small apartment Jughead could just about afford, he picked her up out of her car seat and grabbed her small backpack. 

"Help make pasta?" she asked with a hopeful glint in her eyes, the same goody smile shining through her lips. 

"Every chef needs an assistant" he nodded in agreement, placing an adoring kiss on her head to punctuate the sentence. She giggled happily as they walked up the flights of stairs, until her little arm pointed out towards their front door. 

"Who's that?" she questioned tapping his cheek, causing the man to look in the same direction. A blonde woman stood there with her back to them, a small red bag slung on her shoulder and her hair down in soft loose waves. 

"Can I help you?" Jughead asked with caution, his grip on Olivia tightening protectively. The blonde turned around, meeting him with a face that was still imprinted in his memory though he hadn't set eyes upon her in years. 

"Hi Jughead" she greeted softly, her emerald eyes sinking to meet the little girl in his arms. "Hi honey" she added this time with a crack in her voice. 

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