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A/N: Proper fluffy oneshot! Requested by Arri1134

"That's all for today" Jughead spoke as he closed up another serpent meeting, his usual stony glare present on his face. Some serpents went back to booths whilst others started playing pool games, Jughead sitting down next to his childhood friends with a sigh.

"We're no closer to finding the ghoulie hideout, I'm sick of those bastards getting away with everything" he complained, sipping his beer to calm the raging thoughts he had to carry.

"We'll find them Jug, don't get yourself down about it. We're stronger than them" Toni assured with a sad smile. Though she tried, the encouragement didn't seem to help. In fact Jughead was miserable for the next few hours, occasionally replying with nods and mutters when his friends tried to bring him into their conversations.

"Look who's here" Toni smirked, nudging her best friend. She knew this would instantly cheer him up, which he clearly needed right now. In fact sometimes his girl seemed to be the only one that could lift his spirits and rid him of his troubles.

"Hm?" he mumbled, following his best friend's gaze to the entrance of the bar. The door had swung open and in walked his blonde beauty, ponytail swinging behind her as she looked around expectantly. When her eyes set on him she beamed happily, making her way over to the group with a skip in her step. Jughead sometimes wondered how she could light up a room with such ease.

"Hey guys" she greeted with her usual sweet voice, her eyes fixed on Jughead. He grinned at her and placed his beer down, gesturing for her to sit with him.

"Hey beautiful" he whispered when she placed herself in his lap, eliciting a soft giggle from her pink lips. She greeted him with a gentle kiss on the cheek, leaning into him as his arms wrapped around her waist.

"I missed you" he mumbled, pressing a kiss to her neck. She grinned playing with one of his loose curls, tucking them back under his beanie. Originally Betty and Jughead weren't that into PDA, they liked privacy and the ability to have that affection in their own moments with each other. However since they were both more busy they craved moments like these, even if people were around. Though when Toni distracted Betty from their moment, she began to talk to her about cheer practice whilst Jughead cuddled her close. 

He carefully pulled out her ponytail which she didn't mind, running his fingers through her hair letting it fall loose as he hid his face in her neck. That same intoxicating scent of vanilla filled his nostrils as he closed his eyes, enjoying the comfort it gave him. 

"You awake Jones?" Fangs teased as he noticed his friend's head on the blonde's shoulder basically looking asleep. He hummed and nodded, sending vibrations through Betty's skin which made her giggle. 

"You're like a lovesick puppy" Toni rolled her eyes with a knowing smile, sipping her drink. Jughead blushed knowing he was being clingy but he hadn't seen his girl in days and when everything else felt wrong, being with her felt right. 

"Don't be embarrassed, I love it" Betty whispered softly to him, playing with his hair to relax him. "I know your stressed Juggie, I can tell"

He frowned with a quick nod, knowing it was difficult to hide things from someone like Betty. He didn't want to talk about it and she could sense that so she just gave him as much comfort as she could, pressing kisses to his temple. 
The young couple stuck around for a few hours before Betty eventually asked if they could leave, Jughead obviously not objecting to this request.

"Do you want some clothes to sleep in?" he asked as they entered the trailer. Betty nodded at him, placing her bag down as he went to his bedroom. She looked around smiling at all the pictures of them he had placed around the room.

"I got you a shirt and then a hoodie incase you're cold" he smiled shyly, passing them to her.

"You're the best" she whispered, pressing a kiss to his cheek before pulling her shirt off. Jughead wasn't expecting her to just change in front of him though he'd seen her like this many times before, trying to keep his eyes away.

"Struggling there Juggie?" she teased, slipping his shirt on before taking off her bra and jeans. She pulled the hoodie over the top, giving him a twirl. "What do you think?"

"You look beautiful..." he whispered, gulping back the lump in his throat. He couldn't help it, he lost all sense around her without any ability to control himself. Luckily she loved his sweet side, wrapping her arms around his neck, pressing kisses to his jawline. 

"Take me to bed" she whispered in his ear, her lips ghosting over his skin. His breath hitched, eyes flickering down to look at her though she didn't move from her position, confirming she was serious. Placing his hands under her thighs, he picked her up and carried her to his bedroom. 

"I like when you go all shy for me" she whispered as he layed her down on the bed, climbing on top of it. He responded without words, just pressing kisses up and down her neck before he latched onto her sweet spot that he knew like the back of his hand. 

"I like this side too" she whispered as her head rolled back, eyes fluttering closed. She loved him either way and always would. 

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