Positive test

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A/N: Requested by sprousehartdarbara
Will be a part two in the next few days

Betty sat in the bathroom, tears clouding her eyes as she stared at the positive pregnancy test. She was screwed, Jughead never wanted kids. Every time she would bring it up he would just change the subject, she knew he didn't want to have a baby with her and now she was pregnant. What was she suppose to do?

"Betty? I'm back!" she heard, making her jump and quickly shove the test in the bin. She washed her face and walked out, a fake smile playing on her lips. "Hey Juggie" she smiled, hugging him tightly. She always loved being in his arms but it actually pained her to be so close to him when there was a baby in her that he wouldn't want. She wanted it, she wanted nothing more than to start a family with him. "Hey Betts, good day?" he asked, pulling away and taking off his jacket. 

"Yeah, pretty boring" she shrugged "how about you? How was work? she asked. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, making a fist in it in frustration "Stressful, but I just want to relax with you now" he smiled, kissing her softly. They cuddled up on the sofa, Betty's hand going to her stomach as her mind raced over what to do. 

1 week later

It had been a week of hiding the pregnancy from him when Betty decided she had to tell him. She knew it was becoming suspicious that her mood swings were all over the place, she was nauseous and she was being more distant from him. It was time to reveal it before it got too much. 

"Juggie, can we talk?" she asked softly, sitting down on the bed next to him. "Betts I'm trying to get this done" he sighed, not looking up from his screen. "Please...it's important" she pleaded desperately. He huffed and put his laptop aside, looking at her expectantly. 

"I..I need to tell you something" she stuttered. "Okay?" he replied, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "I....I'm pregnant" she mumbled, chewing on her lip nervously. His eyes widened and he turned so he was facing her properly. 

"You're what?" he breathed out in shock. "But...but you're on birth control?" 

"Yeah I...I um missed a few days. I forgot" she explained. "How could you be so careless?" he asked angrily. She looked up at him worriedly, this is what she feared. She feared he would react awfully, that this would ruin things. 

"I'm sorry Jug, things have just been so crazy that I forgot to take the pills" she explained, her voice breaking. "I...I can't do this" he shook his head, getting up. 

"Juggie please" she sniffled, getting up. "Betty I can't, this wasn't the plan. I don't...I can't" he shook his head, pacing around. 

"You don't want it do you? I'm not getting rid of it Jughead, no way will I do that" she refused. "I didn't say-" he argued but she cut him off. "Well you clearly don't! You never want to talk about the idea and you've basically just told me you don't want this baby. I want it, I wanted so much to start a family with you but because I love you I didn't force you" she blurted out, her whole body shaking. 

"Betty" he sighed, his face softening. "No. No don't even start, I will not get rid of our baby. I'm going to Veronica's" she scoffed, grabbing a few supplies and shoving them into her bag. She wanted him to stop her, to hold her and talk everything through. He just sat on the bed with his head in his hands, not saying a word.

"Oh B" Veronica sighed, hugging her best friend tightly after she explained everything. "I love him V" she choked out. "I know, you'll figure it out" she soothed. Betty for once didn't believe that. For the first time things seemed like they just couldn't be fixed, he didn't want their baby. 

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