I can handle it

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Requested by Marialouisa__X

Not sure if this turned out the way I wanted but I gave it a go, someone give me more badass bughead ideas lol♥♥

The night had closed in on the bar and everyone had slowly left, leaving Betty to clear away the leftover drinks and Jughead to do the last security checks around the building. They didn't really mind because it gave them peace of mind knowing they had properly locked up and everyone else had gone back to their homes safely.

Betty hummed to herself as she wiped down the counters, put away the pint glasses and stacked the tables. Being the perfectionist she was, she found little moments in the joy of having everything neat and tidy again at the end of the day.

"Well well well look who it is" a voice rang out from behind her, the same voice that made her blood boil.

Penny" she sighed, turning around with a glass in her hand "To what do I owe this pleasure?

"Thought I'd come check up on Jonesy, I seem to remember he left with a bit of a nasty wound last time"

Betty gritted her teeth, gripping the freshly cleaned glass tightly. The ghoulies had attacked when the serpents weren't prepared- which was very rare. None of them had seen it coming so a lot were left injured, including Jughead who had suffered from a fractured rib and a bad concussion. Betty was left taking care of him for months until he was strong enough again, but now she was more protective of her boyfriend than ever.

"Stay the fuck away from him" she warned with a glare that could kill.

Penny just laughed, swinging her pocket knife round her hand "I'm sure he can fight for himself blondie hm? Where is your little boy toy?"

The blonde could practically feel her blood bubbling up inside of her, ready to attack Penny at any moment. "Penny tell me what the fuck you want or get out of my bar" she snapped. 

"Your bar? Who says it's your bar?" she questioned, quirking a brow. 

"I do" a voice rang out from behind the two women. They both turned to see Jughead stood at the door, leather-clad arms crossed with his eyes narrowed at the elder blonde. 

"Ah, finally" Penny grinned "Now the fun can really start" 

"Bored already Penny? Malachi and his goons not keeping you entertained anymore?" he asked sarcastically, walking up behind Betty who felt a lot more at ease now that she wasn't alone. His hand pressed against the small of her back, letting her know simply that he was there and he wasn't going anywhere. 

"Actually, I brought them with me" she smirked, snapping her fingers. As if on queue ghoulie after ghoulie filtered through the back door, Malachi leading them as usual. 

The couple wasn't stupid, they knew they were outnumbered 6 to 2. Of course, that didn't mean Jughead was going to back down, nor Betty. 

"We want the bar, that's all. We take it and we leave you and your little snakes in peace. For good" Malachi spoke, eyeing Betty up immediately.

"And if I don't?" Jughead challenged, knowing for a fact the bar was not up for grabs. This was his family's legacy, all they had to their name. 

"Then we get blondie" he sniggered, looking Betty up and down in a way that made Jughead seeth. 

"Lay on finger on her I swear you'll pay for the rest of your life" he warned, feeling Betty suddenly press a hand on his chest. 

"It's okay Jug, I can handle myself" she reminded him. He knew she could, that girl could bring someone to their knees if she had to but it didn't stop him from worrying about her. It never would. 

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