A Christmas Miracle

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A/N: Merry Christmas/happy holidays everyone!!!!❤❤❤

"Merry Christmas Eve!" Alice cheered as she walked into the living room where the whole family sat. Hal and polly sat playing with the twins whilst Betty curled up in the corner of the sofa with a beanie clutched between her fingers.

"Oh honey, try get into the spirit a little" Alice spoke gently as she sat down next to her. Betty shook her head tucking her knees up to her chest.

"He won't be back until next year mum and I know he has committed to the army but I miss him" she sniffled, fiddling with the hem of his beanie.

"I know sweetie, I know" she sighed brushing her daughters hair back, knowing that soon she'd be back to her normal smiling self.

After dinner the family all sat outside, FP and Jellybean joining them. JB loved playing with the twins so kept them occupied whilst FP tried to cheer Betty up.

"I'll go get some drinks" she mumbled, walking into the kitchen. Her loved ones watched her shuffle inside before turning back towards each other.

"I hate seeing her like this. He promised to be here" Alice sighed.

"He will be, I know he will" FP assured, checking his phone for any messages. The surprise was all planned but it didn't seem like Jughead was going to show at this point. Soon the blonde passed everyone a new drink before slumping back down into the chair, sipping her own.

Jughead: Alice I need a way to be behind Betty for the surprise, I'm outside now.

Alice: She's got her back to the gate, come through that way

Betty hummed softly to herself as she watched the twins run around, wandering if she'd get the chance to have kids of her own one day.

"Betty darling, do you mind grabbing our camera? FP wants to see our holiday pictures" Alice lied once Jughead was in place. She nodded getting up, seeing a figure out of the corner of her eye.

She frowned her brain not processing at first before she looked properly, eyes widening. Her boyfriend was right in front of her in his military uniform, but most importantly....on one knee.

"Oh..my..god.." she breathed out, her heart racing as tears filled her eyes.

"I really wanna hold you right now so this is gonna be quick" Jughead chuckled with shaky hands, opening up the ring box. "Betts..you have no idea how much I've missed you. The thought of coming home to you has kept me sane through all of this and being away made me realise I can't wait around for things to happen" he spoke, his voice thick with emotion.

"Juggie..." she breathed out still in shock, her whole body shaking as everyone watched with the biggest smiles painted across their faces.

"Betty Cooper will you marry me?" he asked, his eyes hopeful and desperate.

"Yes! Yes, yes yes!" she squealed, launching into his arms as he stood up. She sobbed into his chest holding him so tight as he spun her around. "I love you" she cried, still shaking when he put her down and slipped the ring onto her finger.

"I love you too" he whispered before capturing her lips into a kiss, one filled with so much pain and love mixed together. They left no space between their bodies, hands planted on each others skin as they moved their lips in sync.

Polly and Alice squealed whilst Jellybean whistled, FP and Hal cheering. Betty giggled looking over at her family with cloudy eyes "You all knew?"

"Sorry honey" Alice chuckled with a nod. Jughead squeezed her tightly kissing her cheek over and over "I'm never leaving again baby, ever" he whispered.

"Okay let me see the ring!" Polly interrupted as she rushed over, taking Betty's hand in hers.

"Its beautiful!" she grinned, the twins hugging Jughead's legs.

"Uncle Jug!" they both shouted, causing him to let go of Betty and pick them up. "Hey troublemakers" he grinned as June pulled his cap down.

"I can't see now June" he laughed as she giggled mischievously, Betty pulling it back up for him.

"Go on, run before I catch you!" he gasped as he put them down, they ran off screaming.

He laughed pulling Betty back in "Let's go sit down yeah?" he whispered. They sat down, Betty placed in his lap as everyone asked him questions and told him what he'd missed when away.

Betty however just sat curled up on his chest, fiddling with her ring as she closed her eyes from the feeling of his fingers in her hair.

"You okay love?" Jughead asked gently after a while, worried by her lack of interaction.

"Mhm, I'm just savouring this" she smiled, kissing his jaw. He chuckled tilting her head up, pressing his lips against hers. "You look really good in uniform too" she giggled.

"Oh yeah?" he smirked, raising an eyebrow. She nodded biting her lip, fingers playing with the cuffs of his sleeves.

"Later gorgeous, when we're home" he whispered in her ear, pressing a kiss to her temple.

"I hated being home alone without you, I spent a lot of time round here and Polly's" she spoke, excited to have that time with him tonight.

"I know but I'm done now, I've served my time in the army. I'm gonna try pursue my writing again" he smiled.

"That sounds perfect, but you have to have time for wedding planning" she giggled, wiggling her ring finger in front of him.

"Why of course" he laughed, nuzzling his nose against hers. "But I am kinda hungry, did anyone leave some dinner for me?"

"Okay so plan for tomorrow, wake up late morning, then we have breakfast and get ready. Go round to my mum's where we do present exchanges, then go to your dad's and do the same. Then to Polly's where we are going to stay for dinner" Betty continued to run through the day as she rushed around gathering up presents.

"Love take a moment. Relax, you're stressing" Jughead murmured, placing his hands on her shoulders.

"I just want everything to be perfect" she huffed, shoulders slumping.

"It will be. Now come cuddle your fiance, he's missed cuddles" he mumbled, picking her up. She giggled as he dropped her on the bed and got in himself.

"I haven't had time to get your present yet" he mumbled into her hair.

"You coming home is the best present, hell it's a miracle" she smiled lovingly. The perfect Christmas miracle.

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