"Never again Juggie"

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Jughead sat on the bathroom floor, head in his hands as he tugged at his raven curls. Why did this have to be him, why was it always him.

His shaky hands drew closer to his phone, picking it up out of fear of being more alone than he already was.

"Hey Juggie" her angelic voice rang throughout the phone, though even that couldn't bring a smile to his face.

"Betts...come get me" he pleaded, no longer able to keep this all inside. The line stayed silent for a moment before he heard her stumbling around.

"What's wrong Jug? Where are you?" she questioned softly.

"I can't do it anymore" he cried, his whole body shaking erratically.

"I can help, I can come get you but I need to know where you are" she assured.

"My trailer" he murmured, almost dropping the phone by accident.

"I'll be there as quick as I can" she whispered. He wanted to reply but no words come out, so just sat there in silence as he listened to the muffled sounds from her side of the phone.

Meanwhile Betty was not so quiet, stumbling around grabbing her phone and her mum's keys. She hadn't exactly passed her test yet but she was a standard driver so took the risk, climbing into her car. Chucking her phone in the passenger seat, she started up the engine and pulled away from her house. Let's just say her driving was...less than careful?

When the terrified blonde reached her boyfriend's trailer, she didn't even bother to knock before barging in. That's when she saw FP passed out on the floor, empty bottles everywhere with the strong stench of alcohol drifting through the room. "Oh my god..." she whispered, kneeling down checking for a pulse which luckily there was one.

"Juggie?" she called out, standing back up looking around. She walked over to the bathroom and tried opening the door but it wouldn't budge.

"Bub are you in there?" she asked gently "I'm here now, let me help"

Slowly but surely, Jughead reached his hand up unlocking the door causing it to swing open. She let out a breath she didn't realise she was holding, rushing over to the shaking boy.

"Juggie what happened?" she asked, trying to wrap her arms around him though he still had his head in his hands.

"Show me" she whispered, gently taking his hands from his face. A soft gasp elicited from her rose lips, eyes trailing over the scar that lined his cheek up to his eye.

"Jug...did your dad do this?" she asked, watching as the blood trickled down his face. With a single nod he started to cry again, watching as she grabbed a towel and ran it under the water. She pressed it to his skin, her other arm going around him tightly.

"I'm gonna get you out of here, you'll never have to deal with this again" she whispered, feeling his arms go around her waist. "Never again Juggie, I promise"

A/N: Short but I think it's important to show these situations❤  Also, my DMs are always open in this tough time we are all going through❤❤

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