A gift from the distance

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Requested by bugghead_xo

"I miss you" Jughead whispered in the darkness, only the light of his small lamp allowing Betty to see him. It was approaching midnight in England but it was only a few minutes until 6pm where Betty was back in New Haven.

"You have no idea Juggie" she spoke, laying on her stomach across her college dorm bed "I can't wait for you to come home for Christmas, I'm never gonna let go of you" 

He chuckled softly as he rubbed his tired eyes "Mm I'm not willing to leave your side"

Jughead had been studying abroad in England for almost a year now and it was becoming increasingly painful for the couple to be away from each other. Betty was studying at Yale but all she wanted was to be back in our boyfriend's arms. 

"I just want our families back together at Christmas, everyone together. I miss it" she whispered, the home sickness becoming very overwhelming as much as she loved her studies. 

"Mm me too" he nodded, though his eyes were beginning to close.

"Get some sleep Juggie, we'll talk tomorrow" she spoke, noticing how tired he was.

"Stay on call" he mumbled, tucking his hand under the pillow as he used the other one to prop his phone up on a pillow. 

"Always" she whispered. They often called, even if one of them was about to go to sleep they'd just call until one drifted off. They were both so busy that it was a guessing game of when they were free to talk. 

"Night Juggie" she whispered when she knew he'd fallen asleep, raven curls falling in his face as he let out heavy breaths. She ended the call soon after, needing to get ready to go out with Cheryl who had also gone to Yale.

"Betty! A package came for you!" Eliza, Betty's roommate, called out. Betty got up from the sofa and walked to the kitchen where a large box sat. 

"What is it?" she asked with a frown. 

"I dunno, I was getting my mail and the woman winged at me about a large parcel for you. My poor arms had to drag it up here" she complained. 

Betty chuckled softly, sitting down as she ripped open the box. Her smile grew as a letter was revealed, the words 'Juliet, a little something from me xx' 

"It's from Juggie" she spoke, carefully picking up the folded letter. Eliza came to her side to read what Betty seemed too excited by, being nosey as usual. 

Dear Juliet, 

words can't even begin to describe how much I miss you. As I find myself writing this at 3am because I can't sleep, I've realised that even as a writer who should know how to word things beautifully- I'm useless when it comes to these letters. So bare with me here gorgeous, I'm going to attempt to make this sound good without getting upset myself. 

I want you to know I am always thinking of you. When I see something funny your the first person I want to tell, or when something goes wrong I immediately want your advice on it. I always get back to my dorm quickly so I can call you straight away, because god it's been way too long. A year is way too long and sometimes I think I won't be able to repeat it, sometimes I think I need to come back. But I know we can get through it because we got through everything else together, this should be nothing compared to everything else. But it is, because through everything else at least we had each other every day. 

I miss waking up in bed with you, I miss sneaking past Alice to stay over when she grounded you. Or when we'd go to the bar and you would find a way to get me on the dancefloor, even if it meant promising me Pop's. God, I miss that food, I swear after kissing you that's the second thing I'm going to do when I get home. Do you reckon your mum would let us have it for Christmas dinner? 

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