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As I approached the diner, I start to feel a little bit anxious it's been two years since I last saw them, I was flooded with the memories. I paused at least two rows away from the booth took a deep breath then approached.

Y/n: "I would apologise for being late but I guess you already knew that"  I slid myself into the seat opposite them.

Code red: " well yes, I knew I had to fit my way into your schedule"

Y/n: " it's so great seeing you" I finally lifted my head and looked them in the eyes " Wanda"

Wanda: " it's great seeing you too" she smiled at me

Y/n: " what brings you to New York" I adjusted myself

Wanda: " I- well It was Nat's idea that I talk to you before I move into the tower"

Y/n: " yes of course she would do something like this" I sighed at the thought that it wasn't her idea to speak to me

Wanda: " I missed you" I tilted my head at her, she looked down at her cup she was holding " I- I am sorry y/n, I didn't mean to just le-" I cut her off I rather her not rehash the past

Y/n: " it's okay, we said what needed to be said and what happened well it happened for a reason" I placed my hands over hers " I just missed having my best friend" I smiled at her, she looked back at me and started smiling

Wanda: " I missed you too" she squeezed my hand

Y/n: " so tell me," I paused " how is everything with you two"

Wanda: " do you want to know every little detail" She scrunched her face at me while chuckling

Y/n: " Yesss tell me everything" I laughed

Hours flew by as we talked and talked about her and vision, her brother, what she has been up to and we talked about me and my travels what I have been working on and what it's like being back in New York. After all of that it was now time to head home, we tipped the waitress and left the diner and walked back towards the tower, which wasn't that far.

Y/n: "prepare yourself" I told her while pressing the lift button for the tower.

We went up the lift still chatting and giggling away, when we reach the floor, we walked out and headed to the living area.

Everyone was gathered around different areas laughing and chatting away I looked over at Wanda who was just as confused as me with how positive the atmosphere was.

Nat: " ah finally you two are here" Nat walked up to us and hugged us " their here guys" she said dragging Wanda off to seat on the couch

Tony: " Finally" he walked up to me and kissed my forehead, then looked at me like if I had something on my face " you must be Wanda" he turned his attention to her

Wanda: " yes"

Steve: " well welcome to the team" Steve came up from behind me

Y/n: " what's going on?" I stood confused

Thor: " GAME NIGHT" I jumped at Thors voice, he looked at me and laughed at my reaction

Steve: " yes the one night we all get to bond" He was now walking over to Bucky and Sam.

Loki: " my least favourite night" I glanced at Loki who was sitting on the couch reading his book.

Y/n: "stop being a Debby downer Loki" I grabbed a pillow from the coach and threw it at him. Me, Nat , WanDa and Thor chuckled at his reaction.

Tony: "come on everyone gather round" Dad gestures everyone to sit around the couch area "here you go sunflower" he handed me a drink before sitting next to me on the couch

Y/n: " thanks" I smiled at him " so Uncle Sam what game are we playing?" I looked over to Sam.

Sam: " MONOPOLY" He pulled out the box from under the table and everyone sighed.

Y/n: " oh this should be easy"

Banner: " ah a game for the brain"

Thor: " I just enjoy seeing Loki absolutely lose his head when he loses"

Sam: " let's start shall we"

We all sat back and chose our players then the game started, at first it was light hearted all fun and games then it started getting more competitive, the boys got more and more competitive as the game went on me and banner kept reminding them that this is not a rac-

Bucky: " I HATE YOU" I looked over at Bucky who was screaming at Sam


Nat: " Sam give Bucky his $200 you landed on his property" Nat rolled her eyes at both of them. I'm guessing this is normal.



Loki: " I'm confused why are they screaming"

Y/n: " Shut the F up Loki, you don't get to talk after stealing my last railroad" I glared at him

Loki: " I wish I was never born"

Thor: " me too"

Steve: "YOU THINK I WANTED THIS" we all looked over at Steve who had a picture in his hand, he turns it over to show us

Everyone: " AHHHHHHH"

We all bursted out laughing at the photo. Dad was defo not going to let him up live that. I started grabbing my waist at how funny this night had turned out to be.  We then calmed are self down and started talking about random things.

Steve: "y/n so tell us what is it like being the secret daughter of tony stark" I lifted my head and saw Steve smiling at me

Y/n: "uh, what do you want to know"

Loki: " well everything"

Steve: " mostly the whole of your life and why you finally decided to show up"

Tony: " you don't have to answer that y/n"

Thor: " come on y/n"

Tony: " this is a form of peer pressure"

Y/n: " it's alright dad I don't mind" I grabbed his hand and placed it on his lap " where do I start"

Steve: " how about school"

Y/n: " well I went to boarding school at the age of five, exactly like my dad. Then I when I hit 14 I was already more advanced than my classmates so I went straight to university spent four years learning all things tech then started working for stark industries at 18, and I have been travelling the world ever since. I happened to pass through New York on my way to London. So I thought why not give the old man a visit" I finished up and smiled at my dad who was just squeezing my hand

Bucky: " that doesn't explain how you know Nat"

Nat: " yes explain how me, you and Wanda met" she laughed at me

Y/n: " I met Nat on one of my trips to Paris, my mom sent her over to help me with some of stark industries work. we ended up bonding during the time."

Nat: " wouldn't have it any other way"

Y/n: " me and and Wanda met on my last day of university...at a club" I looked at her and paused

Wanda : " and we have been best friends Evers since"

Y/n: " yep best of friends" I finished up my drink "any other questions"

Loki: " yes how are you so beautiful, you clearly didn't get it from your father "

Tony: " okay,okay, that's enough" We all started laughing.

We talked for a few more minutes then we all said our goodnights and headed for bed

Billionaire Daughter Y/n StarkWhere stories live. Discover now