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Day of the Dead
(2nd November)

Nat: "Alright deep breaths Y/n"

Y/n: "Ahhh"

Wanda: "Pepper how long?"


Y/n: "Ahhh Nattt" I squeezed her hand

Nat: "Almost there"

Wanda: "Keep breathing mamas"

Flashback to earlier

Pepper: "Wow your bigger" she rubbed my stomach

Y/n: "I'm a few weeks from my due date"

Nat: "Exactly you should be resting, the baby can come at any time"

Y/n: "It's nothing I'm just having a quick girls day out"

Wanda: "Is that why we had to ask Parker to distract Loki"

Pepper: "Bless him, he has been extremely protective of you"

Nat: "he hasn't left her side since they found out"

Wanda: "I mean it's understandable why, but come on I barley see you with out him"

Y/n: "He just doesn't want me to hurt myself"

Pepper: "alright ladies here is your weapons"
She handed us the hand guns

Nat: "I'm not going to complain but why a gun range"

Y/n: "I wanted to blow of some steam" I shot at the target

Wanda: "I fell sorry for anyone you have shot"

At hospital

Doctor: "Alright push"

Y/n: "Ahhh" I screamed while pushing

Pepper: "Your doing great hunny" she squeezed my arm

Y/n: "I thought you said birth is the most beautiful thing" I panted out

Pepper: "I never said it was painless"

Doctor: "Another big push"

I screamed at him

Y/n: "Where the fuck is Loki!?" I looked over to mom

Pepper: "Stuck in traffic with the others"

Y/n: "Tell him if he doesn't get here in the next fucking 10 seconds I will make sure he has a death so fucking pai- Aahhhhh"

Pepper: "Sure thing" she moved my hair out of my face

Doctor: "One more push"

I gave one final push as I grind my teeth against each other, I then stopped when I heard the soft cries of a baby.

Pepper: "You did it" she patted my head as I sighed and lightly sobbed.

Two hours later

I had her rocking in my arms as I laid on my med bed. Her little face was scrunched up as she smiled. Her head was fill with jet black hair. Her tiny fingers wrapped round my finger.

Loki: "I know I'm late, I'm sorry" he walked in looking like he ran a marathon

Y/n: "I'm mad but I shall take that anger out on you another time" I looked up from her and looked at him.

Loki: "Wow" he walked up to the bed and sat besides me "She is beautiful" he brought his hands to her face, she made a little smile at his touch.

Loki: "Have you thought of a name" he wrapped his arms around me and rubbed her tiny head.

Y/n: "Stiorra" I looked back down at her

Loki: "Little star, I like it" he kissed my forehead and rested my head on his shoulders.

Loki: "Get some rest" I nodded as he took her from my arms.
I already missed her warm body against mine.

I laid back in bed and closed my eyes.
I listened to him hum to her, she made little noises as he spoke.

Three hours later

I woke up to the sound of quiet mumbles and chatter, as my fingers twitched it was lightly squeezed then rubbed.
I turned my head to see Loki chatting away with Thor.
I looked at Thor as he held Stiorra rocking her in his arms.

Thor: "She has the grip of a warrior"

Loki: "We should see if she could hold a dagger"

Y/n: "I say different" I chuckled while trying to sit up

Loki: "Your up" he adjusted my pillows

Thor: "I can see she got all your beauty" he touched the tip of her nose causing her to scrunch her face

Loki: "Do you need anything?" He squeezed my leg and tuck my hair away from my face

Y/n: "No I'm good," I smiled at him ",where is everyone"

Thor: "They already visited, Tony and Pepper are outside with the doctors"
He rocked her back and forth as she got restless

Loki: "They said that you lost a lot of blood" he reached for her, as soon as he held her she stopped all her fusing.

Thor: "Congratulations Y/n" he leaned over and gave me a hug

Y/n: "thank you buddy" I patted his back as I hugged him.

Thor: "I'll let you two catch up" he smiled then left the room

Loki: "I am a very lucky god" he kissed her forehead

Y/n: "Seems like you are made for the life of a father" I smoothed out her little hairs

Loki: "come here" he reached for my face and placed a kiss on my lips

Y/n: "I love you" I rested my head on his shoulders

Loki: "I love you both" he kissed my forehead then kissed hers.

Y/n: "Yes"

Loki: "What?"

Y/n: "I will marry you"

Loki: "Darling it's abit to late for that"

Y/n: "You said I can take as long as I need"

Loki: "But we are already wedded"

Y/n: "I know, but now you have my answer"

Loki: "Can I teach her magic?"

Y/n: "Teach her whatever you like"
I touched her little fingers
"She will have to learn how to defend herself"

Loki: "Thor and I will protect her, she will be fine"He kissed my forehead

Y/n: "Our little goddess"I fiddled with the bracket Dad got her.

Billionaire Daughter Y/n StarkWhere stories live. Discover now