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I was laying back in the hospital bed, I twitched my hand then felt these soft hands cup them, I looked over to see Loki sitting next to the bed, reading.

Loki: "Hey" he closed the book and gave me his full attention

Y/n: "Hey, what happened?" I groaned as I sat up.

Loki: "You did it" he patted my hand while grinning

Y/n: "I I don't understand" I looked round the room as he got darker

Nurse: "Congratulations it's a boy"
I looked at the nurse who was walking up towards me her voice distorted

Nurse 2: "No it's a girl"
Another one turned around while holding a pink blanket

Loki: "Twins!"

I started panicking and moving against the wall as their distorted voices turned into satanic laughs, everything turning red.
I felt my lips tremble as I brought my knees to my chest

Y/n: "Please stop" I cried out as their faces came closer to mine.

Y/n: "Stop" I whispered as they all reached for my face, I clutched my eyes shut.
I lightly sobbed as the screams of the babies rang in my head.

Present time

Tony: "What is happening why is she shaking"

Doctor: "I need t-"

Nat: "She stopped why did sh-"

I blinked as I heard their voices, I took a few deep breaths, they were talking but I heard nothing, I squinted as a bright light shun in my eyes

Y/n: "Get that stupid light out of my face" I grunted as I tried to move my arms. I felt the cuffs around my wrist.

Doctor: "What is your name?" His voice sounded light as he spoke

Y/n: "What?" I moved my head to the side

Doctor: "Your name" he clicked his fingers for me to focus back on him

Y/n: "Y/n, Y/n Stark" I fluttered my eyes at him

Doctor: "Good, now can you hear me" I nodded as the echo In his voice disappeared and I listened to the sound of everyone sighing

Doctor: "She seems like she has waken up"
He turned and spoke to Dad and Steve.

I looked round to see if anyone was there, but Nat was suddenly gone.

Y/n: "Dad" I whispered while trying to get his attention

Tony: "One second sunflower" he placed his hand in mine as the doctor carried on explaining

Steve: "When will she be able to head home"

Doctor: "I didn't expect her to wake just five hours after surgery, her body isn't fully functional yet, unless you have a high tech med area you can take her in another five hours"

Steve: "Luckly we do"

Doctor: "I think it's safer for her to stay here all the moving can cause her to enter another shook"

Tony: "I just want her home"

Doctor: "Alright I will have the nurses prep everything"

Steve: "Thank you"

Y/n: "Dad" I squeezed his hand

Tony: "Hear that sunflower your coming home " he smoothed my hair back and kissed my temple

Y/n: "Where is Loki?" I looked at him he then stroked my face

Tony: "Outside with Thor". He gave me a light smile

Y/n: "Can I see him" I sat up as Steve took of the cuffs. I coughed as I moved

Tony: "Careful" he laid a pillow behind my back "Yes sure you can" he tucked my hair behind my ear and then kissed my temple.

I watched as him and Steve left the room.
I look at my fingers as I tried to figure out if this was real or another nightmare.
Did I even go to the park?
What about-

Loki: "Darling" I looked up to see him standing at the door.

Y/n: "Hey" I smiled as I saw him.

He walked closer to me I watched at how nervous he was, his eyes were red from crying and he still had my blood stain hand print faintly on his face.

Y/n: "Are you real?" I traced his body as I looked for anything that maybe off.

Loki: "Yes very real" he sat on the bed and took my hand in his.

I looked down at our hands I traced my fingers on his palm then smiled to myself, his hands were rough,
'this is real'

Loki: "You should be resting" he intertwined our fingers

Y/n: "Did I lose the baby" I looked at him this time searching for answers

Loki: "I don't know " he avoided my gaze.

I looked down at my stomach and placed my hand on it, each time I blinked a tear dropped from my eyes, hitting my arm as they fell. I sniffed and took my hands away from his

Y/n: "I want to be left alone"

He didn't say anything just nodded then left.

I laid back as tears stream down my face, I covered my mouth as I whimpered in pain and sadness.
I let a soft cry as I was flooded with more emotions.
I kept tapping at my stomach as I cried. I ran my hands through my hair and sighed.
I groaned as I tried to stand up, I gasped as I was hit with a pain in my chest, getting frustrated I knocked over the flowers on the table the vase breaking as it hit the ground.

I crumbled against the wall and sat with my hand in my head.
I cried until tears stopped running from my face, then all you can here was my sad whimpers.

I looked up and over at the broken glass and fallen flower. I picked it up and played with the petals, I felt numb in that moment, I felt myself slowly become more calmer as I took deep breaths.
I picked up a shard of glass and cut my palm, I squeezed it as I let the blood drip down on the yellow petals.
I watched as it absorbed the colour, I stopped and winched at the stinging pain that came from my palm, but I just watched the flowers which had red flowing down a few of it petals.

Even though my body was in pain, it was nothing compared to the pain I felt right now.

I hugged myself as my eyes started filling back with water, I bit down on my arm trying to make this pain that I feel inside go away, i stopped when I tasted blood, I looked to see I broke through my my skin.

I rested my head in my arms surrounded myself with darkness.
I argued with myself as I knew something like this would have happened.

I then heard footsteps enter, I didn't look up just wanted to be left alone, I felt his arms being wrapped around me as he pulled me into his chest.

Loki: "Why are you bleeding?"
I started back tearing up as he rested my head on his chest. He rubbed my back as I cried.

Loki: "It's going to be alright" he then lifted my face to look at him, I avoid his gaze and looked at my hands one was filled with blood the other had the bloody sunflower

Loki: "I know your hurting, I can see it in your eyes, but please don't harm yourself" he took a handkerchief and wrapped it around my wound

Loki: "We have been through a great deal," he tied a not "Let's not lose each otherwise and " he then looked at me.

Loki: "I need you by my side, okay" he cupped my face

Y/n: "Okay" I nodded my head

Billionaire Daughter Y/n StarkWhere stories live. Discover now