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I punched her across the face, then got thrown through some buildings I landed back on my feet. I touched my face were blood was now present.

Y/n: "You hit like a girl" I whipped it away and charged back at her.
She dodged my punches and sent me back.

Hela: "Your the one that is in love with Loki" she walked up to me

Y/n: "News travel fast" I flipped my hair back and walked up towards her

Hela: "I shall make you my personal pet"

Y/n: "Don't expect me to bark" I threw a blast of wind at her knocking her back

Sif: "Y/n I need your help" I looked over at Sif who was protecting little Asgardian children.

Y/n: "I'm coming" I jumped from building to building avoiding the battles.

Sif: "I need to get the ship ready"

Y/n: "I got them"

She nodded and ran towards the ship I was stood in the corner fighting of the others defending the kids. I created a small wind barrier, as one of them tugged on my feet

Kid: "Lady I'm scared"

Y/n: "Kid I know" I threw my dagger at another one

Kid2: "I want my mom"

Kid3: "Where is daddy"

I turned round and faced them.

Y/n: "Hey hey don't cry" I pulled them in for a hug

Y/n: "Listen everything is going to be alright" I pulled them away and looked at them

Thor: "Y/n!" I turned around as a dagger got thrown at me from Hela. But Thor came in time and deflected it with his Hammer.

Y/n: "Thanks" I got up and looked at him

Thor: "You alright?" He quickly scanned my body to look for any fatal injuries

Y/n: "Yeah" the little kids came and hugged my legs. Tears running down their eyes.

Thor: "We need to go" he helped me protect them on the way towards the ship.

Kid: "Ah" I looked as one of them got grabbed

Y/n: "Hey" I tapped his shoulder "Pick on someone your own size" I punched him in the face and picked up the kid.

Kid: "Thank you" he hold on to me. Crying

Y/n: "No don't cry,here" I handed him my dagger "You know how to use this" he nodded
"Protect the others" I placed him back on the ground

Thor: "Y/n, let's go" we caught up to him and the other kids.

Sif: "Look out" we turned around as Hela threw magical ball blast at us.

We turned around hodling over the kids protecting them from her magic.

I closed my eyes waiting for the impact.
I slowly opened it, I turned my head and looked at Thor, who was looking at me confused. I stood up and looked over to where it was thrown

I felt my heart shatter inside me.I dropped my dagger in my hand as my eyes started to fill with tears. I clutched my stomach as I started to feel weak.

Y/n: "No" The words escape my mouth was nothing but a mere whisper

I couldn't move. I wasn't even sure if I was breathing. I stepped closer, losing all sense of vision and sound. I dropped to my knees as I pulled him into my arms.

Y/n: "Babe" I moved his hair as my tears fell on his face my voice trembling as my hands touched his face

Loki: "Hey" he whispered his eyes filled with so much life but his body was slipping away

Y/n: "Hi" I started to whimper as he brought his hands up to cheek whipping my tears away

Thor: "Brother!" he ran up besides me and looked down at him, I looked up at him as he started breaking down besides me

Loki: "go" he then placed his thumb on my lips tracing my face

Y/n: "No we we are not going to leave you" I placed my hand on his face and whipped the blood away

Y/n: "I can't lose you" I whispered to him while placing his hand on my stomach then squeezing it

Sif: "Guys come on" I felt as she started to pull Thor and me away

Y/n: "No wait" I shook her of my shoulders

Y/n: "You are going to be fine, right?" I searched his eyes as his life faded away

Loki: "I love you" he pulled me closer giving me a final kiss

Y/n: "Shut up! stop talking, your going to come home to me, right?" I mumbled as they pulled me away

Y/n: "No wait" I tried fighting Volstagg off but he kept pulling me away

Volstagg: "He is gone"

Y/n: "No he isn't"

I watched as the door of the ship closed on him.

Y/n: "come home" I mumbled as I dropped to my knees. Holding his dagger and my necklace

Thor: "He is gone" he dropped besides me and  looked at the dagger and necklace.

Y/n: "He promised" I felt myself breaking down again as I gripped the stuff in my hand

Thor: "I know" he put his hand in mine and squeezed it.


We got back to earth I sat with Thor his arms wrapped around me as we both cried until our eyes were dry.

Sif: "We are here"

I stood up my knees feeling weak. Thor slowly got up beside me and held my hands squeezing it.

As the doors open I kept my head down looking at the floor of the ship. I kept bringing myself back to that moment. I felt my eyes fill with more tears. I bit my lower lip trying to hold it back, it got to the point were I tasted blood. I licked it and used my hand to whip my tears away.

I squeeze Thor's hand as I took a step of the ship, I lifted my head to see Dad and the rest all smiling at our return.

Thor: "I can't do this" he stopped and whispered to me

I looked up at him as I saw how red his eyes were from crying.

I then tugged us away from the rest and walked towards the lake area of the base. We walked in silence just squeezing each other's hands to make sure if this was all real.

Steve: "What happen?"

Tony: "Where is Reindeer games?"

Sif: "He uh um"

Nat: "Oh no"

Tony: "What how?"

Volstagg: "Saving their lives"

WanDa: "Oh Y/n"

Steve: "Thor"

Me and Thor sat down on a bench watching the stream flow.

Thor: "Your all I have left" he squeezed my hand

Y/n: "I refuse to believe he is de-"

Thor: "Y/n he is gone! They are both gone!" He raised his voice

Y/n: "He promised" I mumbled

Thor: "I know" his voice started breaking

Y/n: "I never got to tell him" my eyes started pouring down with tears at the thought of losing them both

Thor: "I know" he threw a rock in the lake

Billionaire Daughter Y/n StarkWhere stories live. Discover now