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(part 1)

I woke up today to the sounds of arguing coming from across my door.

'never thought I would say this but I like it when F.R.I.D.A.Y wakes me up' I thought to myself while sitting up in my bed and stretching.

Y/n: "What are you two arguing about?" I leaned against my door frame, looking at Loki and Thor.

Thor: "see look what you did Loki, you woke her up" he frowned at him

Loki: " I woke her up" he scoffed " It was your loud shouting that did that" then they started back arguing and i just stood there looking at them.

Wanda: " Whats with all the arguing?" Wanda walked out of her room and into the hall.

Y/n: "look what you idiots did" i slapped them behind their heads " now stop arguing over whatever stupid thing you were discussing" I walked back into my room and threw myself on my bed.


I slammed my head into my pillow and mentally screamed. As I closed my eyes to try to get a few more hours of sleep.

F.R.I.D.A.Y: " Good morning Y/n, What a beautiful day"

I rolled over onto my back and started kicking the air.

Y/n: " Yes F.R.I.D.A.Y, a Wonderful day it is going to be" I cried out wanting to punch something.

F.R.I.D.A.Y: "Do you want me to play your morning mix"

Y/n: "NO! please no. actually remind me to change this whole mix" I went to my closet and grabbed my gym clothing, changing into them

F.R.I.D.A.Y: "Yes i will"

I then walked out of my room and made my way to the training which was surprisingly empty. I looked at the clock, '6:30 AM' i screamed in my head. Great well at least i have the room to myself. I grabbed a quick protein bar from the vending machine, then went straight to work.

Y/n: "play my workout mix"

F.R.I.D.A.Y: "now playing Riot - Hollywood Undeed"

Y/n: "Lovely" I then started on the punching bags, taking out all my stress and anger from this past few weeks on to it.

After 30 minutes i was now practicing with Dads training robots, it was not as fun as hitting an actual person but i enjoy the numbing feeling of when my hands started to bleed from punching metal. Reminds me of when i use to train with Nat. As the songs change I tried to do a flip of the ropes to see if i still had my flexibility, I took a deep breath then ran up to the top ropes and pushed myself off, my body creating a semi circle like shape then i landed not so perfectly but good enough in a kneeling position. I flicked my hair out of my face and stood up and high five the training bot.

I then took a break and grabbed a bottle of water and gulped down half of it. I then looked at the mirror wall in front of the mat area. I started remembering when i learnt how to dance fight on one of my trips.

Y/n: "Hey F.R.I.D.A.Y, play my 'doing the deed' mix"

I got up as Earned it - by the weekend, started blasting of the speakers. I got myself into starting position listening and feeling the music, then I started spinning and twirling moving my hips to the slow beat of the song. I smiled as I haven't tripped over on my feet yet but also because I missed doing ballet and dancing in general. As the sound ended another one of my favorite song came on. This one bringing back a lot of memories from when i was with him. With the help of one of the poles I lived my inner stripper fantasy. Then I got on my knees and started doing some floor dances then lifting myself up into the air, then finishing of with a twirl on the pole.

Loki: "Why did you stop" I snapped around to look at Loki who was leaning on the door frame "I was enjoying it" he smirked then walked over to me.

Y/n: " Well the show is over" I crossed my arms and raised my eyebrows at him.

Loki: "I disagree" he grabbed my arm and spun me round so I know had my back against his chest. "It just begun" he gently placed his hands on either side of my hips and slowly started swaying to the beat of the music that was still playing.

I was taken back by his sudden actions but, I haven't had a dance partner in a while, plus how could I not dance with him. I then spun myself round to face him, he pulled me into him by my waist and I wrapped both my arms around his neck and started swaying my hips to the beat with him, we then started using the rest of the mat space as our personal dance floor, spinning and swaying as the music went on. I hated eye contact but i couldn't help but lose myself in his eyes. I saw smirk raised from his lips.

Y/n: " Are you reading my thoughts" I blurted out mid spin

Loki: "Maybe" he smirked and pulled me closer to him

Y/N: " Okay we are done here" I tried to pull away but he pulled me back.

Loki: "I'm not finished yet" He whispered into my ear. He traced his fingers around my waist, while I felt his hot breath on my neck. Normally i would think, Creep, Perv or hell no. but i just can't say no to him. Can I?. We gazed at each other for a bit longer then the music ended.

Y/n: "Looks like we are" I took my hands of his chest and he released his hands from my waist and I walked out of the room with out another word. As i was walking out I ran into Steve who was just heading in for his workout.

Steve: " Hey Y/n, your up early" he said while i walked past and simply nodded my head at him and smiled.

'FUCK! FUCK!' I thought to myself as I approached my room door, It slide open and I sat down on my bed and mentally screamed 'WHY DID THAT- WHAT THE FUCK?' looking up at my ceiling trying to figure out why I missed the feeling of how gentle he was. 'Tf y/n NO!' I got up and went to my bathroom taking my clothes off and starting the shower. ' YOU CAN NOT FALL FOR HIM' I argued with myself in my head ' He is a murder' fair point i thought to myself ' but that's so god dam attractive'.

I spent the next 30 minutes in the shower arguing with myself.

Billionaire Daughter Y/n StarkWhere stories live. Discover now