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Later that night

Loki Pov

Stiorra: "Then we went to hel.."

I couldn't help but zone out as they talked, I found myself lost in the beauty of the night.
Watching as she smiled and laughed with the others, her eyes twinkling as the light hit them. Her dress cuddling her figure, I felt myself reminiscing on the past, from the day I first met her, she made me want to change for the better.

Y/n: "Hi." I snapped out of my thoughts as she placed her hand on my chest.

I was lost for words as she smiled at me, her smiling turning to a confused looked.

Loki: "Hi." My words were nothing more than a whisper.

Y/n: "Are you okay?" She tilted her head and raised her brow.

Loki: "Yes, just lost by your beauty."

There it was, the way her face shun as she blushed at my compliment, one thing has not change and that is her ability to turn a precious moment into some thing awkward.

Y/n: "Thanks I..," she bit her lower lip.
"You look great." She did a nervous laugh with a thumbs up.

Felt like we were young again, the child like flirting and the way we both nervously chuckled at compliments. The way we gaze at each other from a distance, giving each other a light smile with a little wave.

Y/n: "Oo this is our song."

The feeling of her hands on mine as she dragged me to the dance floor, still sent tingles a cross my body.
Through out our battles across the years her hands were still delicate.

Everything about her is perfect, the way she walks, talks, the way she enjoys the cries of battles. Is perfect.

Feeling her body close to mine, the scent of her hair, her smooth skin, warms me inside, I would do anything to keep that feeling, to keep her smiling, to hear her little giggles and to hear her gentle voice.

I have truly never felt the love that she gives me throughout my life.
With her I feel complete, without her I'm lost in a world of darkness, she is the light that shines bright. My shooting star.

As the song came to an end I snapped out of thoughts as she took me over to where Tora and Kenny stood.
They smiled as we approached them.

Kenny: "Wow your a great dancer Mr.Loki" he gave me a nervous smile.

Loki: "I learnt from the best." I smiled over at Y/n, but she was already lost in conversation with Stiorra.

Kenny: "I can see why Tora idolise yours and Mrs.S relationship."

Loki: "What do you see in Tora?" I looked down at him, he looked nervous not knowing if it was a trick question.

Loki: "Answer honestly." I gave him a reassuring pat on the back.

Kenny: "Well," he cleared his throat ", she is smart...and funny, sometimes," he nervously chuckled, he then paused for a second and looked over at her.

Kenny: ",I love how she views the world, she always has a unique perspective on life and people. I don't know, I just feel at home when I'm around her, she is just perfect, as much as she disagrees with me, I think she is beautiful." He blushed and tapped his fingers against his cup.

I looked over at them and nodded in agreement.

Kenny: "How did you know you wanted to be with Mrs.S for the rest of your life?"

Loki: "When she risked her life to save mine."

Kenny: "Oh Thor told me that story, sounded pretty badass."

Loki: "Yeah it was."

Billionaire Daughter Y/n StarkWhere stories live. Discover now