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Next Day

Shuri: "I've lost all feeling in my body" she groaned as T'Challa helped her up

Y/n: "Girls night tonight?" I leaned my head back and looked over at her.

Shuri: "Come on Y/n, Obviously!" She laughed as they left.

Parker: "Can't we have a Boys & Girls Night?" I looked down at Parker who was laying besides me cuddling a sleepy MJ.

Y/n: "I mean we can, but aren't you boys suppose to be planning some sort of thing?" I leaned back and closed my eyes.

Parker: "Oh yeah totally forgot" he laughed then sighed.

Loki: "My precious" I felt his hands as they cupped my face from behind me.

Stiorra: "We watched the lord of the rings" she jumped over the couch and sat next to me.

Y/n: "When was this?" I adjusted myself so he can sit next to us.

Stiorra: "This morning, you guys were all sleeping so we all went to watch it" she stretched her legs over us and leaned back.

Y/n: "what?, it's like 8am right?" I scanned for my phone.

Loki: "It's 3pm"

Y/n & Parker: "Shit!" We both got up and scrambled towards the door.

Loki: "Did you two forget something?"

Y/n: "Uh" we paused then looked at each other then at the room.

Y/n: "I'll call the cleaners" I jogged back and gave him a kiss while ruffling Tora's hair. Then headed to freshen up and get changed.

Shields headquarters

Agent Hill: "Late" she handed me a file

Y/n: "I would say I'm on time" I smiled as we paced towards fury, who was awaiting us.

Fury: "Agent Stark, i expected you here four hours ago" he frowned as I came into distance

Y/n: "My apologise Director" I stood in front of him while reading.

Fury: "Director? What is going on with you?" He started walking me and Hill following behind him.

Y/n: "Nothing, just wanna get this test run done" I looked up from the file as I looked at the lift doors as they opened.

Agent Hill: "Tora is starting training this summer"

Y/n: "Yeah, excited to see what missions you put her on"

Fury: "Missions? She is to yo-"

Y/n: "Don't worry Fury you will be surprise when you see what she is capable off"

New York
Avengers Tower

Stiorra: "Dad!" She screamed from the kitchen

Loki: "Why are you screaming?" He walked round the corner

Stiorra: "can we please go see mom?"

Loki: "Why? You know she is busy."

Thor: "Let's go on an adventure!" He popped up from the couch

Loki: "Uh No" he sat on the bar stool at the kitchen island

Stiorra: "What type of adventure?" She walked over to Loki.

Thor: "The fun type" he stood up and fixed his hair.

Loki: "No" he looked down at Tora as she sipped her drink

Stiorra: "Fine" she sighed then walked over to Thor

Thor: "Your no fun brother"
He threw a pillow over at him.

Billionaire Daughter Y/n StarkWhere stories live. Discover now