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Y/n: "Ew Ew no," I paced back on forth in the meeting room "We are suppose to be creating the future not destroying it"

I was on a late conference call with some of the investors along with mom. I sat down massaging my head as I still was hungover from last nights Girls Night Out.

Y/n: "Yes I'm here" I sipped on a tablet and some water, to help with my headache.

Y/n: "Can we switch to energy that does not destroy the earths atmosphere" I placed my legs on top the table throwing a ball in the air

Y/n: "Suck a dick Chris" I mumbled as he started to speak.

Steve: "Hey" I turned towards the door to look at Steve standing there

Y/n: "Yeah" I muted myself and turned my attention to him

Steve: "Me, Sam and Nat would be gone for a few days"

Y/n: "Sure where to?"

Steve: "Headquarters, Bucky is going through his last process"

Y/n: "Alright well have fun" I smiled at he. He then turned round and left.

Y/n: "That's why your wife left you" I unmuted myself and started attacking Chris.

Y/n: "I'm not disrespectful, I just don't like assholes" I clicked a pen getting more and more annoyed

Pepper(on call): "What Y/n is trying to say Chris you can't disrespect the females that work for your company"

Chris(on call): "It's my business not hers"


Y/n: "Just be cause she declined your request to sleep with you for a promotion you not only touched her inappropriately but fired her" I got up and started pacing feeling my body starting to feel with rage

Chris(on call): "that's what she told you, it wasn't what happened"

Pepper(on call): "we all know that is what happened"

Chris(on call): "How exactly did you get your promotion"

Y/n: "Watch it" I leaned down on the table in rage at his comment

Chris(on call): "You think I'm going to sit back and take orders from a little brat and her whore of a mother"

Pepper(on call): "Y/n!"

Y/n: "Death" I stormed out of the room and walked towards the helipad area

Thor: "Hey where are you"

I then jumped of and went towards Chris estate. As I flew I felt my body spark in flames.
I landed through the roof of his house and stormed towards his office

Chris: "Wha-"

I walked up and punched him across the face.

Y/n: "Don't you" I then punched him again then kicked him of the chair, flinging him against the wall

"EVER" I picked him up my hands wrapped around his neck chocking the life out of him

"Disrespect my mother" I threw him through the walls creating a hole. I stepped through the hole and leaned over his now fragile body

"Know" I pulled out my dagger and traced it across his face

"Your going to apologise to my mother, send her a very expensive gift," I looked into his eyes that was filled with fear

"Your going to hold a press conference and tell them about your sexual assault track record, send all the females you assaulted a loan some of money, and a letter telling them what an absolute pussy you are and how you should just end your life" I then stood up and looked down at him, I watched at his body trembled at my aggressive tone.

"You will also resigned as CEO of your company and put a person of my mothers choice in charge" I leaned over to his ear, his lips trembling as I moved. His breathing got faster which made me smile"If you don't"

"I'll take your balls" I whispered to him. While hanging the top of my dagger over his member imprint. He let out a slight whimper, nodding his head frantically

Y/n: "Good boy" I stepped away from him and watch as he scrambled against the wall "Now Bark"

Chris: *barks*

Y/n: "Pathetic"
I then walked out of his house and into his drive, I looked over and saw his car.

Y/n: "Hey You" I called for my vision

Y/n Vision: "Yes" she appeared

Y/n: "You thinking what I'm thinking" I looked at the car

Y/n Vision: "Flame on" she then disappeared as my body went into flames.

I threw a ball of fire at his car and watched at it started burning. I laughed like a maniac as I flew back to the tower. When I landed back on the helipad I had cooled down.

Loki: "Where did you go?"

I looked up to see Loki and Thor looking at me from the couch

Y/n: "Shopping" I smiled then walked back into the meeting room

Pepper (on call): "Your back"

Y/n: "Yes"

Pepper(on call): " by the sound of your voice I would say job done"

Y/n: "Expect an apology and more on your desk tomorrow" I smiled to myself

Pepper(on call): "Thank you, I will let you enjoy some peace"

Y/n: "Bye mom"

Pepper(on call): "Bye Hun"

She then ended the call.

I sat back in the chair and looked out towards the helipad area. I then sighed, I got up and walked towards the kitchen and grabbed a fruit bowl and went to sit on the couch.

Loki: "By your first reaction I would say you rather not talk about it" he placed his book down and pulled me closer to him

Y/n: "Mhm" I laid down on his shoulders

Thor: "I would like to know" I looked over to Thor who was on the other side of the couch flicking through movies

Y/n: "I'll tell you one day in the never future" I light chuckled

Thor: "Movie?" He looked at us and we both nodded.

Loki: "How are feeling?" He pulled the blanket over us

Y/n: "Great, that quick session helped a lot" I took a bite into a grape.

Loki: "I was talking about if you still felt sick" he chuckled then moved his arm around my waist circling my stomach

Y/n: "Yeah minus the fact everything taste weird and drinking alcohol does not help" I looked up at him. He looked lost in space just circling my stomach and nodding his head.

Y/n: "Loki?" I moved my fingers in front of his face

Loki: "Shush I'm trying to watch the movie" he placed my hand in his

Y/n: "I need my hand to eat my fruits" I then untangle it and took a slice of apple and ate it.

Thor: "How did he do that" he pointed at the screen the hugged the pillow

Loki: "Y/n love?" he moved my hair out of my face

Y/n: "Loki love" I tilted my head to look at him

Loki: "Can I?" He pointed at my bowl of fruit

Y/n: "What this?" I held up a strawberry in his face, dangling it

Loki: "Yes" he tried taking it but I put it in my mouth and ate it

Y/n: "Better luck next time buddy" I tapped the tip of his nose

Loki: "Cheeky one you are" he smirked then stole a grape.

Billionaire Daughter Y/n StarkWhere stories live. Discover now