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Y/n: "Loookiii!" I groaned out his name while cuddling myself into a ball under the sheets.

Y/n: "Ahh!" I squeezed at the sudden sharp pain in my chest.

My body was hot, I was sweating like crazy. My breathing got more rough to the point were I would start hyperventilating.
I had this annoying stabbing pain in my chest and my head wanted to disconnect from the rest of my body.

It's been thirty minutes since he left to go grab some herbal medicine, Wanda has visited Nat, even though she wanted to stay, I convinced her I'll be fine.

My knees gave way as I tried to stand, falling to the ground. I wanted to be outside, it was raining I could feel how ice cold it was.
I crawled towards the window and rested myself against it feeling the coldness of the glass against my skin.

I closed my eyes and listened as the thunder rolled and the rain poured.

Loki: "Darling, here." He gave me this liquid to drink, I tried not to spit it out at it's awful taste.

He then pulled me into his chest and wrapped his arms around me, stroking my hair.

My head was spinning, my stomach felt empty and light. My throat was tight and felt sore in the back. I tried to pace my breathing to the sound of his light heart beat. The rain growing heavier outside. I closed my eyes slowly drifting to sleep.


Y/n: "Dad I don't appreciate you butting into my private life." I walked in behind him in frustration.

Tony: "the whole private life thing, was hit out of the ball park when you decided to play superhero." He yelled back at me.

Y/n: "I did what I had to do and I will do it again." I shouted back.

Tony: "Do you think your above death? You can't just jump into situations like that Y/n!" He pointed at me.

Y/n: "Oh!" I scuffed ",Your one to talk about being above death and jumping into situations." I raised my brows in disbelief.

Tony: "What does that mean?"

Y/n: "Iron man!"

Tony: "That is completely different!" He walked away to his tool shelf.

Y/n: "No! No! It is the same!" I yelled.

Tony: "What if you died? How do I explain to your mother that you died?"

Y/n: "Do not bring Mom into this! This is between me and you, and the fact that you treat me like if I'm still a child!" I pointed at him while walking up to him.

Tony: "Well if you stopped acting like a child I will stop treating you like one!" He rolled his eyes and walked back to his desk.

Y/n: "I have stopped acting like one!" I protested

Tony: "Your decisions prove otherwise."
He lowered his tone and gave me that normal look of disapproval.

Y/n: "You are the last person to judge my decisions." It came out as an snarky comment. He paused and glanced at me.

Tony: "Find then," he walked up to me ",go on your adventures, but if you die, just remember I told you so." He pointed the end of the screwdriver at me.

Y/n: "I am in no need for your approval." I turned to head out the door.

Tony: "Then why start this argument in the first place."

Y/n: "Just wanted to know you cared." I opened the door and walked out.

Thor: "So how did it go?"

Y/n: "Shut up Thor!" I pushed pass him

Thor: "So it didn't go well!"

End of flashback

Stiorra: "Mom?" I slowly opened my eyes to see her worried face.

Y/n: "What are you doing here?" I struggled to sit up.

Stiorra: "Dad said you were really sick, I couldn't stay away knowing that." She sat on the bed and helped me sit up.

Y/n: "I'm fine." I patted her hand.

Stiorra: "Your burning up, you look dehydrated like your life has been sucked from your body." She scanned her weary eyes at my fragile body.

Y/n: "Thanks I already feel better." I chuckled, then started coughing. I clenched my bony hands as I saw the blood.

Stiorra: "You need to go to a doc-" she went to grab her phone but using the little strength I had I grabbed her hand. She looked at it then back at me.

Y/n: "No," I let go ", don't." I saw the sadness form in her eyes.

Stiorra: "But they will know wh-"

Y/n: "Don't." I placed my hand over hers and held it ",I will be fine, I promise I will get better." I gave her a weak smile hoping to convince her, as I was not even sure of my health and what was wrong.

Stiorra: "Do not make empty promises," I looked down at her hands, as I found it hard to look at her without her seeing through my lies.

Stiorra: "I will figure it out, I promise," she squeezed my hand.

Y/n: "No, No," I shook my head ",You have to go back to London and study, I will f-"

Stiorra: "You helped everyone around you, let me help you, please mom let me do this one thing." I sighed and sniffed.

Y/n: "Okay fine." I nodded my head and pat her hand.

Stiorra: "dads making you chicken soup." I lightly chuckle, while smiling at her. I smoothed her hair with my other hand and tucked it behind her ear. She gave me a faint smile.

Y/n: "Come." I moved down for her to lay besides me.

She came and laid her head on my chest, I sighed, and wrapped my arms around her and kissed her hair. I laid my chin on her head and looked out the window, I rubbed her arms and smiled to myself.

Stiorra: "I won't let you die."

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