Training day

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(Lucy POV) (a couple days after coming back to Magnolia)

I stretched and sat up from my bed, I needed to train today so I wouldn't get rusty on my skills. I looked down at Blaze who was sound asleep on his mattress on the floor with Kovo laying on his back. I giggled a bit and got up going into the bathroom to get dressed, I just threw on my pink shirt with a white and blue strip as well as a red skirt and white shoes. I then through my hair into a side high ponytail. Once done I walked out of the bathroom and saw Blaze sitting us rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He yawned.

"Mornin" he said, I smiled.

"Morning Blaze I'm gonna go do some training for a bit if you wanna meet up with me once your awake enough" I said as I grabbed my satchel with my keys in it, he nodded giving me a thumbs up and laying back down. I chuckled and walked to the guild. I opened the door and everyone was doing what they normally do, Ezra was eating some cake, Natsu and Gray were fighting and he didn't have clothes on as Lizanna sat shaking her head, Mira was behind the bar smiling which made me mad, and Laxus was sitting in the corner like he was sleeping. I remember the day I asked if he wanted to be on a team with me he was sitting in the same position, a slight blush came over my face. I shook it off and walked to masters office and knocked.

"Come in" I heard him yell.

"Hello master" I said, he smiled and put his pen down.

"What can I do for you Lucy?" He asked.

"I was wondering if I could train in the basement of the guild I promise I won't break anything" I asked, he thought for a minute and nodded.

"Sure that's fine" he said, I smiled and nodded and exited his office. As I left Levy and Juvia stopped me.

"Lucy whatcha doin" they asked, I had them follow me.

"I'm gonna train a bit if you wanna watch" I said, they lit up and nodded as they sat on a couple boxes. I took a deep breath and focused my magic and created a field so I can train without breaking anything. It shined a light baby blue around the whole basement. I then created a few copies of people that Drew taught me to make. I made Ezra, Natsu, Mira, Blaze and Laxus.

"Woah Lucy I didn't know you could do that they look so real!" Levy said clapping her hands, I smiled as the first to attack me was Ezra. She ran at me with immense speed and requiped herself in her armor. She slashed as I dodged, soon my eyes turned white as I summoned Echo to leap on her while I backed up a bit to ready again. Next was Natsu, I quickly through a few blue fireballs at him thinking he couldn't eat blue fire but he did, he then readied Aarhus fire attack.

"Look out Lucy!!" Yelled Juvia, I turned and saw Mira in her demon form lunging at me from behind. I quickly ducked as Natsu through his fire at me hitting Mira throwing her back, I then stabbed Natsu in the stomach with a formed galaxy blade that I materialized. He disintegrated and through the cloud I saw Blaze with his scythe but I couldn't dodge fast enough and I felt it hit my arm and soon my arm turned black, I couldn't feel it anymore. It was time to get serious. I transformed into my Taurus star dress form and used my galaxy powers to make the end of my whip super spiky. Blaze ran at me again and tried to hit me again, but I ducked fast enough at wrapped my whip around his neck and pulled hard which decapitated him making him disappear. I huffed and looked at my arm, I couldn't feel or move it. I then pulled out my Capricorn key and summoned him as well as turn into the star dress.

"My lady what happened to you arm?" he asked, I shook it off and ripped off a bit of my dress and wrapped my arm so I could heal it later.

"It's ok but can you hold off Laxus for a bit while I deal with her?" I asked as they were getting ready to attack, he nodded. I smiled and we got ready as well. Soon they ran at us but Capricorn made sure Laxus couldn't get to me yet while I took care of Mira.

His fragile heart (Laxus x Lucy)Where stories live. Discover now