Another Day Another Job

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(Laxus POV)

I yawned and slowly opened my eyes, I must have fallen asleep after last night talking to Lucy, I tried to move but I couldnt, I looked down and saw Lucy asleep on my chest, I blushed like hell, her face was laying softly on me and her arms were wrapped around me, I smiled and held her tightly, I didn't want to lose her, just then I heard a yawn and saw she was awake, she looked at me.

"Good morning" I said, she smiled and lay her chin back on my chest.

"Morning" she said, I chuckled.

"Ready for today?" I asked, she nodded.  She slowly got up and off of me.

"I'll be back" she said, walking into the bathroom, I sighed and got up as well. I walked into her kitchen and made some toast, just then I heard the door open to the bathroom, I took my toast out and saw lucy, she was so cute. She had on a blue white and gold accented crop top with a matching coat, she had a brown skirt on, black thigh high socks and black flats, she was so cute.

"What you doing Laxus?" She asked, I took a bite out of my toast.

"I was hungry so I got toast" I said, she giggled.

"And you didn't make me some" she said, still giggling, I felt bad.

"Sorry I didn't know you wanted some" I said, she suddenly burst out laughing.

"Laxus I'm just picking on you its ok, I didn't actually want any" she said, I sighed.

"Thanks" I said, she came up to me and hugged me.

"I'm sorry" she said, I chuckled and picked her up and threw her over my shoulder.

"Ah Laxus! Put me down!" She yelled, I laughed and through her onto her bed, I ran after I threw her. I ran to the bathroom and locked the door, she ran over and started banging on the door.

"Hey open the door!" She yelled, chuckled and did as I was told, I unlocked the door and stepped back holding my arms out, she slammed through the door and ran into me, I caught her and lifted her up high.

"And you have been caught" I said, she giggled.

"Ok you win" she said, I smiled and put her down.

"Anyways are you ready for today's job?" I asked her, she nodded, I ruffled her blonde hair, she huffed.

"Hey I just brushed that!" She said trying not to giggle, i snickered.

"Oh calm down its just hair it will probably get messed up later" I said, she huffed and flattened down a small piece of hair that was standing up. I chuckled and and walked to the door. Lucy ran behind me. I smiled at her, its been a few weeks since me and Lucy started to talk and now were really close, I sighed as we walked, Lucy spoke.

"What are you thinking about?" She asked, I blushes.

"You" I said, softly, but she heard me.

"Really?" She asked, I nodded and kept walking.

(Lucy POV)

He was thinking about me? I blushed at the thought, we kept walking till we reached the train station, we hopped on the train right before it left and went to our usual place to sit, it was awkward, so I started to sit in the seat across from Laxus but he pulled my arm making me sit with him, it was even more awkward now, I inhaled and just sat still, holding on so I don't fall onto him again, I blushed thinking about it. He nudged me a bit to get my attention.

"Hm? What's up Laxus?" I asked

"Oh I just wanted to ask um Lucy do u have a crush on anyone?" He asked blushing, I thought for a moment.

His fragile heart (Laxus x Lucy)Where stories live. Discover now