Waking up

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(Panda POV) 

Elizabeth stepped through the portal to the real world and walked into the guild, everyone was hanging out until she walked in the door then they all went quiet.

"Hi Elizabeth" Levy said, she smiled at her and waved.

"Hello Levy, where is Makarov?" Elizabeth asked, Levy pointed to the back office, Elizabeth nodded and walked to the office. She knocked on the door and heard him yell to come in.

"Hello Elizabeth, i wasn't expecting a visit today, how is Lucy doing" he asked, Elizabeth smiled and sat in the chair.

"She is doing well she has become very strong, however there was an incidence, she was sparing and was hurt very badly" she said, Makarov was surprised.

"Is she ok?" He asked, Elizabeth nodded and Makarov calmed down. 

"Yes she actually unlocked an extremely strong power to try and end the fight, she couldn't control is so i had to intervene, she is still in recovery" she said, he nodded. Just then Laxus burst through the door.

"Is Lucy ok?" He asked, frantically. Elizabeth nodded and asked him to sit with them.

"Yes she is ok just a little hurt right now, but she will recover soon" she said, Laxus calmed down a little but then sat silently, Elizabeth put her hand on his leg and smiled at him.

"This wasn't the only reason i came today however, with this power being unlocked so early in her training I feel very soon we will not be able to teach her anything else and keeping her in Dreamora for longer than need with only hurt her chances of preparing to save the world. So i came to you about this Makarov, she has become very powerful and I'm afraid with she return he will strike at any time" She said, Makarov nodded while Laxus smiled a bit.

   "I understand your concerns Elizabeth but she will have to return at some point, I've been hearing rumors that hes been showing up more and more" Makarov said, Elizabeth sighed and nodded.

"I understand, ill keep here there for 2 more months to see if she unlocks any other powers" she said, Makarov nodded. Laxus smiled more at the thought of her coming home. After a little while more Elizabeth left leaving Makarov and Laxus in the office. 

(Lucy POV) 

My eyes fluttered open as i looked at the ceiling, it was cool and quiet. I slowly sat up and groaned in pain, i remember what happened up until Blaze got me with his scythe but that was it. I looked over and saw Blaze sleeping on the side of my bed, i smiled a little and ruffled his hair, his eyes opened and he hugged me but then let go because i twitched.

"How do you feel?" He asked, i rubbed my eyes. 

"Still in a little pain but I'm ok, how did i get here?" I asked, Blaze looked at me confused. 

"You don't remember? After i got you with my scythe you started to use a new power and Elizabeth came to save me before you probably killed me and then we brought you here and she healed you" he said, i shook my head, everything was so fuzzy, Blaze frowned. 

"I'm gonna call Elizabeth and have her take a look at you she should be back by now" he said, i nodded and laid back down, everything was spinning a bit but i just closed my eyes and it went away. After a few minutes of waiting Elizabeth came in and sat on the side of the bed, she felt my head and sighed. 

"You have a fever and i believe after you passed out and let the power take over it stopped you from remembering it to help with the healing, it should come back shortly." She said, i nodded and Blaze exhaled.

"Lucy that power you used was extremely powerful, your only 6 months in your training, i went back to the guild to talk to Makarov and we agreed you will stay for 2 more months and then you will return back to Magnolia to prepare to save the world" She said, i smiled a little i could go home so soon, my heart raced.

"I understand, when i go back Blaze will be coming to" i said, Blaze looked at me.

"You remembered you said i could join your guild?"He said, i smiled and nodded. Elizabeth nodded and smiled. 

"Very well" She said, Elizabeth smiled and then left me and Blaze alone. I yawned. 

"So how long have you been in here with me?" I asked, He rubbed his eyes.

"You've been out for just about a day so the whole time" he said, I smiled and hugged him. 

"Thank you Blaze i appreciate you being here" i said, he chuckled. 

"I wish you woke up sooner, after Elizabeth left after healing i had to change your shirt cause she had to cut it open to get to your back and when i took your shirt off Luke barged in and thought i was trying to have my way with you even though i wasn't and so he stayed for a while till he got bored of waiting and i told him to leave cause he was annoying me" He said as he blushed a bit, i did to as i covered my chest.

"So wait you were looking at my chest while trying to help?" I asked, he shook his head profusely and blushed deeply.

"N-no no I covered my eyes so i didn't look at your chest i swear!" He said, i giggled at how flustered he got. 

"It's ok i believe you Blaze" i said, he sighed and smiled. We hung out for a while, Blaze also stayed with me to make sure i was ok, it was nice having him to hang out with. 

(??? POV) 

Soon. Soon it will begin and i will have her.

His fragile heart (Laxus x Lucy)Where stories live. Discover now